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Displaying 51 - 60 of 102

ImproveCareNow (ICN)

To improve patient care and achieve the best health outcomes possible for children with IBD.

Incyte INCB018424 Cream

To evaluate the safety and tolerability of INCB018424 cream applied to pediatric subjects with eczema

Infant-Robot Interaction-CHLA

We are interested in observing whether and how infants learn when interacting with a robot during a learning assessment contingency paradigm. 

Influenza Breastfeeding Study

The effect of flu immunization on the level of immunity against the flu in breastmilk, and how this may help protect a breastfeeding infant.

JASPER Early Intervention for Tuberous Sclerosis (JETS)

Two main purposes of the study: (1) to see if social communication of children with TSC can be improved with a short term behavioral intervention (JASPER) and (2) to see if these improvements remain long after the study, and whether they can be observed with electroencephalography (EEG).

LifeSkills Mobile

5,000 transgender women are testing a LifeSkills Mobile intervention web-app to see if it helps reduce condomless sex, increase PrEP use, and decrease HIV infections over several years.

Longitudinal EEG and Sensors Study

Our goal is early identification of deviation from healthy brain development to allow targeted early intervention and improve developmental outcomes.