
November 29, 2018
Katie Sweeney记 向大家介绍Richard(理查德) ,他现就读五年级,喜爱他的老师,喜欢跑步、游泳和画画。他满脸的笑容在他所到之处都能为他带来朋友。近日他曾到访很多地方,他现正住在洛杉矶,然而他真正的家是在北京。 但是他的母亲希望你们知到有些关于Richard尤为重要的事情︰就是他有勇气;许多的勇气。并且从 2017年1月19日至今,他实在需要这每一股的勇气。 那天

Steep Learning Curve

November 13, 2018
Sometimes, the early signs that a child is ill can be so subtle, a family may not realize what’s happening—until later, with hindsight. For one family from Bishop, California, one of the first

The Gift of a Lifetime

November 1, 2018
A dying 3-year-old boy. A desperate email. A stranger’s astonishing gift. They were flying down the 101 freeway through Santa Barbara—the kids in the back seat, Chris at the wheel, and Holly next to

The Kid’s Got Heart

October 11, 2018
When it comes to baseball, “heart” is one of those intangibles in a player that scouts covet. Generally, the word refers to a variety of attributes including hustle, mental fortitude, patience and

She Is Tessa, Hear Her Roar

September 21, 2018
It was an innocent question, one for which Meredith had the good fortune of not knowing the answer—otherwise she wouldn't have asked it: "What are labs?" After a week of fever for her 4-year-old

Helpful Hamsters

June 21, 2018
A quartet of teenage siblings makes CHLA happier, one song at a time To many, they’re The Runaway Hamsters—a talented band of child musicians who sing country pop and strive to help those in need. To