Sargis Sedrakyan, PhD

Sargis Sedrakyan, PhD

Investigator, Urology Research
Assistant Professor, University of Southern California

Sargis Sedrakyan, PhD, earned his PhD in stem cells and regenerative medicine from the University of Padova in Padova, Italy. He completed his postdoctoral fellowship in Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine at the Saban Research Institute of CHLA. His research has focused on extracellular vesicles in kidney disease and amniotic fluid stem cell therapy in Alport Syndrome. Sedrakyan joined the Department of Urology at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in 2017 and is an assistant professor of urology with the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California.


Graduate School

2009-2012 PhD Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, University of Padova, Padova Italy

1999-2003 BS Biological Sciences, Brooklyn College, City University of New York


2012-2017 Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles California


Professional Memberships

2012-present American Society of Nephrology

2016 – Career Development Fellowship from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Extracellular vesicles regulate VEGF
homeostasis and improve the glomerular endothelial structure and function in kidney disease.
2014 – Travel Award from American Society of Nephrology (ASN)
2014 – Post-Doctoral Training Fellowship from California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Amniotic fluid stem
cells and intraglomerular angiotensin II homeostasis.

Saban Research Institute/CHLA - July 2016 – June 2017
Title: Extracellular vesicles in kidney disease
Description: This project is designed to investigate the protective role of extracellular vesicles from amniotic fluid stem cells on glomerular endothelium during chronic kidney disease.
Role: Post-Doctoral Fellow

California Institute for Regenerative Medicine - July 2014 – June 2015
Title: Amniotic fluid stem cell therapy and mechanism of podocyte preservation in Alport Syndrome
Description: This project is designed to investigate the mechanisms of podocyte preservation and protection by amniotic fluid stem cells in Alport syndrome mice. 
Role: Post-Doctoral Fellow

California Institute for Regenerative Medicine - July 2012 – June 2014 
Title: Amniotic fluid stem cell therapy and mechanism of podocyte preservation in Alport Syndrome
Description: This project is designed to investigate the mechanisms of podocyte preservation and protection by amniotic fluid stem cells in Alport syndrome mice. 
Role: Post-Doctoral Fellow


Sedrakyan S, Villani V, Da Sacco S, Tripuraneni N, Porta S, Achena A, Lavarreda-Pearce M, Petrosyan A, Soloyan H, Filippo RE, **Bussolati B, Perin L. Amniotic fluid stem cell-derived vesicles protect from VEGF-induced endothelial damage.  Scientific Reports. 2017 Dec 4;7(1):16875. PMCID: 29203902

Milanesi A, Lee JW, Yang A, Liu YY, Sedrakyan S, Cheng SY, Perin L, Brent GA. Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha is Essential to Maintain the Satellite Cell Niche During Skeletal Muscle Injury and Sarcopenia of Aging. Thyroid. 2017 Oct;27(10):1316-1322. PMCID: 28847239

Da Sacco S, Perin L, Sedrakyan S. Amniotic fluid cells: current progress and emerging challenges in renal regeneration. Pediatric Nephrology. 2017 Jun 15. PMCID: 28620747

Da Sacco S, Thornton ME, Petrosyan A, Lavarreda-Pearce M, Sedrakyan S, Grubbs BH, De Filippo RE, Perin L. Direct Isolation and Characterization of Human Nephron Progenitors. Stem Cells Translational Medicine. 2017 Feb;6(2):419-433. PMCID: PMC5442819

Petrosyan A, Zanusso I, Lavarreda-Pearce M, Leslie S, Sedrakyan S, De Filippo RE, Orlando G, Da Sacco S, Perin L. Decellularized Renal Matrix and Regenerative Medicine of the Kidney: A Different Point of View. Tissue engineering. Part B, Reviews. 2016; 22(3):183-92. PMID: 26653996

Milanesi A, Lee JW, Kim NH, Liu YY, Yang A, Sedrakyan S, Kahng A, Cervantes V, Tripuraneni N, Cheng SY, Perin L, Brent GA. Thyroid Hormone Receptor α Plays an Essential Role in Male Skeletal Muscle Myoblast Proliferation, Differentiation, and Response to Injury.  Endocrinology. 2016; 157(1):4-15. PMID: 26451739 PMCID: PMC4701883


  • Chronic kidney disease: mechanism and pathophysiology, with a particular focus on the role of endothelium
  • Stem cells: The role of stem cells and stem cell derived extracellular vesicles in regenerative medicine applications
  • The glomerulus: paracrine communication between glomerular cells, and structural and functional integrity of glomerular filtration barrier

The research of Sargis Sedrakyan, PhD, has focused on extracellular vesicles in kidney disease and amniotic fluid stem cell therapy in Alport Syndrome.

Visit the GOFARR Laboratory for Organ Regenerative Research and Cell Therapeutics in Urology

GOFARR Laboratory for Organ Regenerative Research and Cell Therapeutics in Urology

The Saban Research Institute
4650 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
United States