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JASPER Early Intervention for Tuberous Sclerosis (JETS)

Two main purposes of the study: (1) to see if social communication of children with TSC can be improved with a short term behavioral intervention (JASPER) and (2) to see if these improvements remain long after the study, and whether they can be observed with electroencephalography (EEG).

Ophthalmologic disorders and eye tracking in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

We are conducting a research study about visual problems in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We believe that many children with autism may have undiagnosed eye problems because they cannot explain when they have trouble seeing and may not undergo routine eye exams. We hope to develop a method to screen for visual problems in using a new, non-invasive technology called eye tracking. We will use a camera to record your child’s eye movements as they watch video clips for 15-20 minutes.

Phase I Temsirolimus

To test a new experimental drug Temisirolimus - Temsirolimus (also known as Torisel®) is approved for kidney cell cancer treatment in adults - in combination with approved chemotherapy drugs - in the hopes of finding a drug combination that may be effective against leukemia and non-hodgkin’s lymphoma that has come back after initial treatment. To find the highest dose that can be given without casing severe side effects.

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)

This research is being done to test the safety and effectiveness of intranasal carbetocin to treat Prader Willi Syndrome.

SMART (Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial) Study

This is a randomized trial to help determine which of two gold standard treatments, Medication or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), or their combination, is most effective when treating anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Treatment of every child with an anxiety disorder begins with the question of which treatment to start first, and then what to do if that initial treatment is not as helpful as it should be. This study will help patients, families, and clinicians determine which treatment sequences are most helpful for which specific patients.


To find out the effects of a chemical in Stevia on the symptoms of NAFLD.

Therapeutic Advances in Childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma Consortium (TACL) / Amgen Carfilzomib study

Carfilzomib (also known as Kyprolis®) is approved to be used in certain adult patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (myeloma that returns after a successful course of treatment or myeloma that does not respond to treatment). Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer. Carfilzomib is not approved to treat ALL. It has not been given in combination with the other drugs used in this study. This study is being done to find out if carfilzomib can be safely given before and during treatment with standard chemotherapy drugs.