Supporting Research
The Saban Research Institute has dedicated teams and resources available to faculty and staff who are conducting research at the institution. Support includes the administration of sponsored research projects, including grant submission, research services, clinical research administrative management, clinical research support, technology commercialization, post-award administration oversight, regulatory affairs, research training and education, as well as the management and coordination of facilities, human resources, shared core research resources and physical space.
How We Support
The range of services available cover the full lifecycle of a research endeavor, from fostering ideas to bringing life changing discoveries to the bedside.
About Our Research
About The Saban Research Institute
Institutional information - The Saban Research Institute
Find a Lab
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Study Finder
Learning, Developing and Sharing Ideas
Office of Academic Affairs - Faculty Development
Training, Education, Career Planning & Development
Funding Opportunities
Research Funding Opportunities
Discovery & Clinical Research Support
Clinical Research Support Office
Contracts and Clinical Research Administration (CCR)
Cores & Shared Facilities
Forms & Policies
Grants Administration
Human Subjects Protection Program & Institutional Review Board
Lab Safety
Post Award & Research Finance Administration
Regulatory Oversight Committees
Research Services
Space & Facilities
Technology Commercialization
OMB Guidelines and Regulatory Updates
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