Alexandre Bonnin, PhD
Main projects:
The major goal of my research is to identify molecular and cellular mechanisms by which prenatal insults influence normal brain development leading to neurological disorders emerging later in life. Our recent approaches explore vastly understudied mechanisms linking blood-brain barrier (BBB) formation to neurodevelopment.
A hallmark of gestational maternal immune activation is the chronic activation of microglial cells and neuroinflammation in the brain of adult offspring. These phenotypes are also observed after blood-brain barrier (BBB) lesions in adults. We recently demonstrated that gestational maternal immune activation directly impacts BBB development in utero and function across the lifespan, leading to chronic neuroinflammation and altered brain function (a). The cellular and molecular mechanisms by which prenatal inflammation and subsequent activation of the microglia in early life disrupt BBB formation, leading to barrier breakdown across the lifespan are under investigation in the lab. We are also testing if this self-perpetuating cycle of BBB breakdown and brain inflammation ultimately promotes increased risk for aging-related neuropathology later in life. We are investigating these novel mechanisms using in vivo, in vitro, a unique ex vivo organ perfusion system, as well as pharmacological, genetic and imaging tools.
Our approaches explore the vastly understudied life-long mechanisms involved in the etiology of vascular contributions to neurological disorders, and provide insights into the developmental origins of devastating diseases such as schizophrenia or neurodegenerative diseases with unclear genetic causes. Furthermore, the research will advance our understanding of the short- and long-term consequences of inflammation on the development and function of the BBB over the lifespan.
Collaborative studies of maternal vs placental influences on fetal brain development:
Our technological development of the ex vivo perfusion of the mouse placenta has led to numerous collaborative projects aiming at assessing directly the contributions of various maternally vs. placentally derived molecules to fetal brain development. For instance, this technology was applied in a collaborative project with Gerard Karsenty, MD, PhD at Columbia University, to demonstrate the maternal-fetal transfer of osteocalcin, an important neurogenic molecule, which is synthesized by maternal bone (b). It was also used in a collaboration with Robert Schwarcz, PhD, at the University of Maryland, to investigate the developmental sources of kynurenine—a branch of tryptophan metabolism, also involved in immune regulation of placental function—and its metabolites (c). It was also used in a collaboration with Tracy L. Bale, PhD, at the University of Colorado to study the effects of stress on maternally and placentally derived steroid hormones reaching the developing fetus.
a. Zhao, Q., Dai, W., Chen, H. Y., Jacobs, R. E., Zlokovic, B. V., Lund, B. T., Montagne, A., and Bonnin, A. (2022). Prenatal disruption of blood-brain barrier formation via cyclooxygenase activation leads to lifelong brain inflammation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 119, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2113310119. PMID: 35377817.
b. Oury F, Khrimian L, Gardin A, Chamouni A, Goeden N, Huang Y, Srinivas P, Gao X, Suyama S, Mann JJ, Horvath T, Bonnin A, Karsenty G. (2013) Maternal and offspring-derived osteocalcin influences brain development and functions. Cell 155(1), 228-41. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2013.08.042. PMID: 24074871.
c. Goeden N, Notarangelo FM, Pocivavsek A, Beggiato S, Bonnin A, Schwarcz R (2017) Prenatal Dynamics of Kynurenine Pathway Metabolism in Mice: Focus on Kynurenic Acid. Dev Neurosci, 39:519–528. doi: 10.1159/000481168. PMID: 29080891.
Paris-Sud University (Paris XI) and Pasteur Institute (Paris), PhD, Neuroscience
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (NARSAD): Daniel X. Freedman Award for outstanding basic research achievement, 2011
NARSAD Young Investigator Award; Project title: Serotonin modulates axon guidance mechanisms during brain development, 2007
NARSAD Young Investigator Award; Project title: Design of new carrier systems to reduce SSRI teratogenicity during gestation, 2011
Independent Investigator Award, NARSAD (Brain & Behavior Research Foundation), 2017.
Prenatal inflammation disrupts blood-brain barrier development and long-term function.
National Institutes of Health, R01-NS12698, Dec 1, 2022 – Dec 1, 2027
Role: Principal Investigator
Prenatal inflammation effects on blood brain barrier function and AD-related pathologies across the lifespan.
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. 12/03/22-12/02/25
Role: Principal Investigator
Effect of fetal exposure to maternal inflammation on offspring Paneth cell development and homeostasis.
National Institutes of Health, R01-DK125415, 09/15/21 – 09/15/26.
Role: co-investigator (Dr McElroy, UC Davis, PI)
Prenatal disruption of blood-placenta/brain barrier formation programs AD risk later in life.
BrightFocus Foundation, A2019279S, Jul 1, 2019 - Jul 1, 2022
Role: Principal Investigator
Prenatal stress and antidepressants effects on offspring brain development.
National Institutes of Health, R01-MH106806, Jun 1, 2016 - May 31, 2021
Role: Principal Investigator
An ex-vivo placental perfusion system to study maternal-fetal biology.
National Institutes of Health, R21-HD065287, Sep 30, 2009 - Aug 31, 2012
Role: Principal Investigator
Qiao H, Deng X, Qiu L, Qu Y, Chiu Y, Chen F, Xia S, Muenzel C, Ge T, Zhang Z, Song P, Bonnin A, Zhao Z, Yuan W. SARS-CoV-2 induces blood-brain barrier and choroid plexus barrier impairments and vascular inflammation in mice. J Med Virol. 2024 May;96(5):e29671. doi: 10.1002/jmv.29671. PMID: 38747003; PMCID: PMC11446308.
Vacher CM, Bonnin A, Mir IN, Penn AA. Editorial: Advances and perspectives in neuroplacentology. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2023 May 19;14:1206072. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2023.1206072. PMID: 37274324; PMCID: PMC10236794.
Zhao Q, Dai W, Chen HY, Jacobs RE, Zlokovic BV, Lund BT, Montagne A, Bonnin A. Prenatal disruption of blood-brain barrier formation via cyclooxygenase activation leads to lifelong brain inflammation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2022 Apr 12;119(15):e2113310119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2113310119. Epub 2022 Apr 4. PMID: 35377817; PMCID: PMC9169666.
Mader S, Brimberg L, Vo A, Strohl JJ, Crawford JM, Bonnin A, Carrión J, Campbell D, Huerta TS, La Bella A, Berlin R, Dewey SL, Hellman M, Eidelberg D, Dujmovic I, Drulovic J, Bennett JL, Volpe BT, Huerta PT, Diamond B. In utero exposure to maternal anti-aquaporin-4 antibodies alters brain vasculature and neural dynamics in male mouse offspring. Sci Transl Med. 2022 Apr 20;14(641):eabe9726. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abe9726. Epub 2022 Apr 20. PMID: 35442708; PMCID: PMC9973562.
Karahoda R, Horackova H, Kastner P, Matthios A, Cerveny L, Kucera R, Kacerovsky M, Duintjer Tebbens J, Bonnin A, Abad C, Staud F. Serotonin homeostasis in the materno-foetal interface at term: Role of transporters (SERT/SLC6A4 and OCT3/SLC22A3) and monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) in uptake and degradation of serotonin by human and rat term placenta. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2020 Aug;229(4):e13478. doi: 10.1111/apha.13478. Epub 2020 May 18. PMID: 32311818; PMCID: PMC8345021.
Velasquez JC, Zhao Q, Chan Y, Galindo LCM, Simasotchi C, Wu D, Hou Z, Herod SM, Oberlander TF, Gil S, Fournier T, Burd I, Andrews AM, Bonnin A. In Utero Exposure to Citalopram Mitigates Maternal Stress Effects on Fetal Brain Development. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2019 Jul 17;10(7):3307-3317. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.9b00180. Epub 2019 Jun 24. Erratum in: ACS Chem Neurosci. 2020 Feb 5;11(3):484. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.9b00683. PMID: 31184110; PMCID: PMC6733519.
Goeden N, Velasquez J, Arnold KA, Chan Y, Lund BT, Anderson GM, Bonnin A. Maternal Inflammation Disrupts Fetal Neurodevelopment via Increased Placental Output of Serotonin to the Fetal Brain. J Neurosci. 2016 Jun 1;36(22):6041-9. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2534-15.2016. PMID: 27251625; PMCID: PMC4887568.
Goeden N, Bonnin A. Ex vivo perfusion of mid-to-late-gestation mouse placenta for maternal-fetal interaction studies during pregnancy. Nat Protoc. 2013 Jan;8(1):66-74. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2012.144. Epub 2012 Dec 13. PMID: 23237830; PMCID: PMC5360402.
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