Ameer Mody, MD, MPH
Born and raised in Southern California, Dr. Mody is in his 6th year as an attending in the Emergency department at CHLA, and is the Director of Kids Care. His interests in pediatric emergency medicine include emergency department administration, LEAN initiatives in emergency medicine, asthma care, and patient throughput. He has published chapters in a variety of PEM textbooks, most recently in the 6th edition of Fleisher and Ludwig’s textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine.
In 2010, Dr. Mody was awarded the American Academy of Pediatrics, Chapter 4 Young Pediatrician of the Year, Current research involves utilizing mobile smartphones to communicate radiographic findings and development of advanced physician performance metrics. In his spare time, Dr. Mody enjoys exploring the local food scene and placing unrealistic athletic expectations on his 3 children, ages 12, 9, and 7.
Patient throughput, Asthma, Sedation / Analgesia
Albany Medical College
Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Pediatrics
Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Pediatrics
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Pediatrics Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Mody AP: “Neonatal Resuscitation and Newborn Problems” in Pediatric Emergency Medicine Question Review Book 2013.Wang, Flood, Sharma (eds). PEMQBook, LLC 2012
Mody AP, Kim TY: Chapter 276: Atrial Dysrhythmias. In: Fleischer and Ludwig’s 5 Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult (#1 edition editors [Hoffman RJ, Wang VJ, Scarfone RJ]). Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA. pp. 276, 2011
Mody AP, Silverman B: Chapter 95: Problems in the Early Newborn Period. In: The Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (#6 edition editors [Fleischer, Ludwig]). Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 997-1011, 2010
Mody AP: Chapter 107 The Steroid Dependent Child. In: Pediatric Emergency Medicine (#1 editors [Baren, Brennan, Brown, and Rothrock]). Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, pp 771-774, 2008
Mody AP: Chapter 108 Addisonian Crisis. In: Pediatric Emergency Medicine (#1 editors [Baren, Brennan, Brown, and Rothrock]). Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, pp 775-778, 2008
- Mobile technology in PEM
- Appendicitis
- Physician performance metrics