Clement Cheung, MD, PhD
Clement Cheung, MD, PhD, is a Clinical Associate Professor in Pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California. He is the Director of Combined Neuroendocrinology/Neurooncology clinic, Director of Medical Education in Endocrinology for Residents and Medical Students, and Associate Director of Fellowship Program. He received his MD and PhD from the University of Washington Medical Scientist Training Program and studied Leptin as a nutritional signal to the onset of puberty. He was the recipient of the inaugural Dr. Kathy-Kanes-Naef Memorial Award for Excellent in Teaching. He did his pediatric residency and endocrinology fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco, where he performed his NIH-funded K08 research in the hypothalamic control of energy homeostasis. He received the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society Research Fellowship Award, the UCSF Melvin Grumbach Award for Excellence in Pediatric Research, the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society Clinical Scholar Award, and the 12th Annual Hong Kong Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Symposium Young Investigator Award.
He is an Attending Physician at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and specializes in the care for children with brain tumors who are at risk for endocrine late effects. He is passionate about medical education and is the recipient of the CHLA Pediatric Residency Program Monthly Faculty Teaching Award in 2016, 2020, and 2021. He received the Annual Philip E. Rothman Memorial Award for Excellence in Pediatric Resident Education in 2020. Dr. Cheung empowers trainees to apply endocrinology in general pediatrics practice, and facilitates the care of diabetes insipidus and of endocrine late effects in childhood brain cancer survivors.
- Pituitary and hypothalamic dysfunction
- Diabetes insipidus
- Neuroendocrinology
- Growth and Puberty
- Medical Education
University of Washington
University of California San Francisco; Pediatrics
University of California San Francisco; Pediatrics
University of California San Francisco; Pediatric Endocrinology
Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics; Pediatric Endocrinology, American Board of Pediatrics
The Endocrine Society, Pediatric Endocrine Society
Pediatric Residency Program Monthly Faculty Teaching Award 2016, 2020, 2021
Annual Philip E. Rothman Memorial Award for Excellence in Pediatric Resident Education, 2020
12th Annual Hong Kong Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Symposium Young Investigator Award 2011
UCSF School of Pharmacy Dean’s Recognition for Excellence in Teaching 2009-2012
Pediatric Endocrine Society Clinical Scholar Award 2009-2011
American Diabetes Association Annual Champions Gala Honoree for Young Researcher 2008
UCSF Melvin Grumbach Award for Excellence in Pediatric Research 2007
Pediatric Endocrine Society Research Fellowship Award 2006
Dr. Kathy Kanes-Naef Annual Memorial Award For Excellence in Teaching 2001
Lai, L., A. Mikhchi, A. Ryabets-Lienhard, M. Geffner, C. Cheung, D. Guiffre. Reversible severe ovarian enlargement in an infant with significant insulin resistance. Radiol Case Report 2021
Akhtar, S., K. Harsimar, R. Olney, L. Ramos-Platt, A. Ryabets-Lienhard, C. Cheung, S. Georgia, P. Pitukcheewanont. Evaluating RNAKL and OPG levels in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Osteoporosis International 2019
Cochran, A.M., C. C. Cheung, K. Rangan, D. Freyer, L. Nahata, G. Dhall, J.L. Finlay. Long-term follow up endocrine function among young children with newly diagnosed malignant central nervous system tumors treated with irradiation-avoiding regimens. Pediatric Blood Cancer 64(11), 2017
Cheung, C.C.*, W.C. Krause*, R.H. Edwards, C.F. Yang, N.M. Shah, T.S. Hnasko, H.A. Ingraham. Sex-dependent changes in metabolism and behavior, as well as reduced anxiety after elimination ventromedial hypothalamus excitatory output. Molecular Mechanism 4(11): 857-66, 2015.
Correa, S.M., D.W. Newstrom, J.P. Warne, P. Flandin, C.C. Cheung, A.T. Lin-Moore, A.A. Pierce, A.W. Xu, J.L. Rubenstein, H.A. Ingraham. An estrogen-responsive module in the ventromedial hypothalamus selectively drives sex-specific activity in females. Cell Reports 10(1):62-74, 2015
Cheung, C.C.*, D.M. Kurrasch, J.K. Liang, H.A. Ingraham*. Genetic labeling of steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) neurons in mice reveals ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) circuitry beginning at neurogenesis and development of a separate non-SF-1 neuronal cluster in the ventrolateral VMH. J Comp Neurol 521 (6) 1268-88, 2013
Cheung, C.C.*, M.A. Cadnapaphornchai, S.A. Ranadive, S.M. Rosenthal*. Persistent elevation of urine aquaporin-2 during water loading in a child with nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (NSIAD).
Cheung CC and Ingraham HA. Hypothalamic fetal programming of energy homeostasis. Springer. Endocrine Updates Vol 30. Obesity Before Birth: Maternal and Prenatal Influences on the Offspring. 2010
Cheung CC*, Kurrasch DM*, Lee FY, Tran PV, Hata K, Ingraham HA. The neonatal ventromedial hypothalamus transcriptome reveals novel markers with spatially distinct patterning. J Neurosci. Dec 12 27(50):13624-34. 2007 (*co-first author)
Cheung CC, Thornton JE, Kuijper JL, Weigle DS, Clifton DK, Steiner RA. Leptin is a metabolic gate for the onset of puberty in the female rat. Endocrinology. Feb 138(2):855-8. 1997
Endocrine late effects of childhood brain tumor survivors
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