Daniel Allison, MD
Attending Surgeon
Associate Professor of Clinical Orthopedic Surgery, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Clinical Interests
Skeletal tumors
Medical School
Baylor College of Medicine
LAC/USC Medical Center (Ortho)
LAC/USC Medical Center (Ortho)
LAC/USC Medical Center (Musculoskeletal Oncology)
Orthopedic Surgery, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
Allison DC, Huang E., Ahlmann E, Carney S. Wang L, Menendez LR. Periprosthetic
Infection in the Orthopedic Tumor Patient. J Recon Rev. 2015; 4(3):13-17.
Vaynrub M, Taheri N, Ahlmann ER, Yao C, Fedenko AN, Allison DC, Chawla SP,
Menendez LR. Prognostic value of necrosis after neoadjuvant therapy for soft tissue
sarcoma. J Surg Oncol. 2014 Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25175933.
White E, Allison DC, Patel G, Matcuk G, Gottsegen C, Learch, TJ, Menendez LR. Review
of Hemipelvectomy Endoprostheses: Indications and Imaging Findings. J App Radiol.
2013; 42(6).
Allison DC*, Ferro A, McIntyre JA, Ahlmann ER, Menendez LR. Bone grafting
alternatives for cavitary bone defects in children. Curr Orthop Practice. 2013; 24(3):267-
Sugi M, Menendez LR, Fedenko AN, Allison DC*. Clavicular eosinophilic granuloma
resulting in an unusual cause of shoulder pain in an adult. Rare Tumors. 2013; 5(8):31-34.