Emily Haranin, PhD
Dr. Haranin is a licensed psychologist at the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, where she specializes in the assessment and treatment of school-aged children. Dr. Haranin coordinates the School Age Clinic, which provides interdisciplinary medication assessments and treatment to children impacted by a variety of challenges including ADHD, disruptive behavior disorders, and autism spectrum disorders. Currently, her professional interests include psychological assessment (with a particular emphasis on autism spectrum disorders), parent training, treatment for complex trauma, and international consultation focused on improving the quality of services provided to trauma affected populations.
Interprofessional treatment and care for ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders, parenting interventions for disruptive behaviors, the treatment and care of children impacted by complex trauma
University of South Carolina
Sarah A. Reed Children’s Center
Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Child and Family Psychology
Licensed Psychologist (CA), Nationally Certified School Psychologist
American Psychological Association, Society for Pediatric Psychology, Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Society for Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics
Haranin, EC, Huebner, ES, Suldo, SM. Predictive and Incremental validity of global and domain-based adolescent life satisfaction reports. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 2007, 25, 127-138.
Haranin, EC, Diep, H., Hudson, BO. International cultural immersion experiences promote professional development among psychologists. International Psychology Bulletin, 2012, 16(2), 28-33.
Interdisciplinary screening, assessment, and progress monitoring; Enhancing service delivery through improving systems; Subjective well-being of at-risk populations