Jonathan Warus, MD
Jonathan Warus, MD is an Adolescent Medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, HIV prevention for adolescents and young adults, and LGBQ health for youth. He is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and a USC faculty member.
Gender Dysphoria, HIV Prevention, LGBQ Health
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indiana University School of Medicine
Children's Hospital Los Angeles: Adolescent Medicine
Pediatrics: American Board of Pediatrics
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, World Professional Association for Transgender Health, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association
Andrew Jones Memorial Resident Teaching Award
Olson-Kennedy J, Warus J, Okonta V, Belzer M, Clark LF. Chest Reconstruction and Chest Dysphoria in Transmasculine Minors and Young Adults: Comparisons of Nonsurgical and Postsurgical Cohorts. JAMA Pediatr 2018;172(5):431-436. DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.5440.
Transgender and gender non-conforming youth encounter many barriers in access to care and much of current clinical practice is based upon expert consensus due to largely lacking objective data. Dr. Warus in interested in improving the delivery of care and advancing research in gender care for youth including the use of puberty blocking medications, gender-affirming hormones, and referral for surgical interventions.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) are recent medical advances in the biomedical prevention of HIV infection. Adolescents and young adults face many barriers to accessing these services including confidentiality concerns, healthcare system navigation, and difficulty with adherence. Dr. Warus is interested in expanding provider knowledge and comfort in delivering these services and improving the delivery of services to youth.