Mia Kanak, MD, MPH
Dr. Kanak is an attending physician in the Division of Emergency Medicine. Her research interests include pediatric homelessness and housing insecurity and screening for health-related social needs in the Emergency Department. She is passionate about improving access and quality of care for underserved pediatric patients.
Stanford University School of Medicine
Boston Children's Hospital
Boston Children's Hospital
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
American Board of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics
American Board of Pediatrics, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Kanak M, Rutman L, Pirrotta E, Giammona M, Bermudez M, Wang NE, Emergency Department-Based Health Insurance Enrollment for Children: Does Linkage Lead to Insurance Retention and Utilization? - Opens in a new window Pediatric Emergency Care. 31(3):169-172, 2015. PMID 25742607.
Kanak M, Stewart A, Vinci R, Liu S, Sandel M, Trends in Homeless Children and Young Adults Seeking Shelter in a Boston Pediatric Emergency Department Following State Housing Policy Changes, 2011-2016 - Opens in a new window. American Journal of Public Health. 108(8):1076-1078, 2018. PMID 29927643.
Stewart AM, Kanak MM, Gerald AM, Kimia AA, Landschaft A, Sandel MT, Lee LK, Pediatric Emergency Department Visits for Homelessness After Shelter Eligibility Policy Change - Opens in a new window. Pediatrics. 142(5):e20181224, 2018. PMID 30323107.
Kanak MM, Fleegler EW, Chang L, Curt AM, Burdick KJ, Monuteaux MC, Deane M, Warrington P, Stewart AM. Mobile Social Screening and Referral Intervention in a Pediatric Emergency Department - Opens in a new window. Academic Pediatrics. 2023 Jan-Feb;23(1):93-101. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2022.08.011. PMID: 36075518.
Kanak M, Turley K, Lee LK, Stewart AM, Community-Academic Advocacy to Improve Shelter Access for Families Experiencing Homelessness - Opens in a new window. Pediatrics. 2023 Jan 19:e2022057935. doi: 10.1542/peds.2022-057935. PMID: 36655372.
Kanak MM, Fleegler EW, Chang L, Curt AM, Burdick KJ, Monuteaux MC, Deane M, Warrington P, Stewart AM. Mobile Social Screening and Referral Intervention in a Pediatric Emergency Department - Opens in a new window. Acad Pediatr. 2023 Jan-Feb;23(1):93-101. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2022.08.011. Epub 2022 Sep 6. PMID: 36075518.