Neil Patel, MD
Neil Patel attained his medical degree from Saint Louis University and completed his internship and residency in pediatrics at Rush University Medical Center. He completed fellowships in pediatric cardiology and interventional cardiology at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Neil's research interests include transcatheter management and surveillance of single ventricle patients and outcomes of transcatheter interventions.
Interventional cardiology, long term care of Fontan patients, exercise testing
Saint Louis University School of Medicine
Rush University Medical Center
Pediatrics, Rush University Medical Center
Cardiology, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Interventional Cardiology, Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatric Cardiology, American Board of Pediatrics
Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, Fellow
Pediatric Interventional Cardiology Early Career Society, Member
American College of Cardiology, Member
Patel ND, Friedman C, Herrington C, Wood JC, Cheng AL. Progression in Fontan conduit stenosis and hemodynamic impact during childhood and adolescence. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2020.
Patel ND, Nageotte S, Ing FF, et al. Procedural, pregnancy, and short-term outcomes after fetal aortic valvuloplasty. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2020;96:626-632.
Patel ND, Sullivan PM, Sabati A, et al. Routine Surveillance Catheterization is Useful in Guiding Management of Stable Fontan Patients. Pediatric Cardiology. 2020;41(3):624-631.
Patel ND, Sullivan PM, Takao CM, Badran S, Ing FF. Stent treatment of ostial branch pulmonary artery stenosis: initial and medium-term outcomes and technical considerations to avoid and minimise stent malposition. Cardiology in the Young. 2019;30(2):256-262.
Patel ND, Justino H, Ing FF. Hybrid approach to ventricular septal defect enlargement. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2019;94(5):732-737.
Patel ND, Sullivan PM, Takao CM, Badran S, Ahdoot J, Ing FF. Unmasking the borderline coarctation: the utility of isoproterenol in the paediatric cardiac catheterisation laboratory. Cardiology in the Young. 2018;28(06):804-810.
Patel ND, Su JA, Takao CM, Ing FF. Melody valve implantation through a recanalized occluded femoral vein. Annals of Pediatric Cardiology. 2018;11(1):111-113.
Patel ND, Newburn A, Brier ME, Chand DH. Pediatric Hypertension: Are Pediatricians Following Guidelines? Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 2016;18(12):1230-1234.
Patel ND, Kenny D, Gonzalez I, Amin Z, Ilbawi MN, Hijazi ZM. Single-center outcome analysis comparing reintervention rates of surgical arterioplasty with stenting for branch pulmonary artery stenosis in a pediatric population. Pediatric Cardiology. 2014;35(3):419-22.
Transcatheter management and surveillance of single ventricle patients
Outcomes of transcatheter interventions