Ron Bahar, MD
University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska
University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
Pediatric Gastroenterology- University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.
Pediatric Gastroenterology, American Board of Pediatrics
American Academy of Pediatrics
North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Recipient, Pediatric Scientist Development NIH Grant for Research, sponsored by the Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairmen, Incorporated
Awarded top 2% ranking and acceptance as a Presidents’ Plenary Poster for abstract “Generation and preliminary characterization of a transgenic mouse strain expressing luciferase reporter activity regulated by Human Bile Acid Binder (HBAB) promoter region,” American Gastroenterological Association
Recipient, Children's Liver Association for Supoort Services' Elizabeth Azzara and Anthony P. DeBenedetto III Memorial Research Grant
Samuta T., Becker G., Pohorecki R., Bahar R., Armstrong K., Landers D. Cyclosporine, isoflurane, and oxygenation effects on energy balance in isolated hepatocytes. Transplantation Proceedings 1993; 25: 1847-1849.
McDiarmid S., Jordan S., Lee G., Toyoda M., Goss J., Vargas J., Martin M., Bahar R., Ament M., Busuttil R. Prevention and pre-emptive therapy of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in pediatric liver recipients. Transplantation 1998; 66: 1604-1611.
Bahar., Stolz A. Bile acid transport. Gastroengerology Clinics of North America 1999; 28: 27-58.
Hurwitz M., .Bahar R.J., Ament M., Tolia V., Molleston J., Reinstein L.J., Walton J.M., Erhart N., Wasserman D., Justinich C., Vargas J. Evaluation of the use of Botulinum toxin in children with achalasia. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2000; 30: 509-514.
Bahar, R.B., Yanni G.S., Ament M.E., Martin, M.G., McDiarmid S. V., Gershman G., Heyman M.B., Tipton J.R., Rosenthal P., Nanjundiah P., Starr A., Vargas J.H. Orthotopic liver transplantation for autoimmune hepatitis and cryptogenic chronic hepatitis in children. Transplantation. 2001; 72: 829-33.
Mehra M., Bahar R., Ament M., Waldhausen J., Gershman G., Fox V., Fishman S., Werlin S, Sato Tl, Hill I., Atkinson J. Minimally invasive esophagomyotomy for children with achalasia. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2001; 33: 466-71.
Bishop, W., Cannon R., Lee P., Bahar R., Pashankar D., Sylvester F., Wilsey M., Wershil B. Introducing the new NASPGHAN web site. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2001; 33: 527-28.
Pacini-Edelstein S.J., Bahar R.J., McDiarmid S.V., Vargas J.H., Martin M.G., Mehra M., Ament M.E. The unique occurrence of hepatic failure from type 1 autoimmune hepatitis with concurrent brain abscess. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2003; 36: 414-17.
Reid H., Bahar, R.J. Treatment of Encopresis and Chronic Constipation in Young Children: Clinical Results form Interactive Parent-Child Guidance. Clinical Pediatrics. 2006; 45:157-64.
Dubinsky, M.C., Lin Y.C., Dutridge D., Picornell Y., Landers C., Farrior S., Wrobel I., Quiros A., Vasiliauskas E., Grill B., Israel D., Bahar R., Christie D., Silber G., Dallalzadeh S., Shah P., Thomas D., Kelts D., Targan S., Taylor K.D., Rotter J.I., Yang H. Serum Immune Responses Predict Rapid Disease Progression among Children with Crohn disease. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2006; 101:360-7.
Dubinsky M.C., Wang D., Picornell Y., Wrobel I., Katzir L., Quiros A., Dutridge D., Wahbeh G., Silber G., Bahar R., Mengesha E., Targan S.R., Taylor K.D., Rotter J.I., Western Regional Research Alliance for Pediatric IBD. IL-23 receptor (IL-23R) gene protects against pediatric Crohn's disease. Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 2007; 13:511-5.
Bahar R.J., Collins B.S., Steinmetz B., Ament M.E. Double-blind placebo-controlled trial of amitriptyline for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in adolescents. Journal of Pediatrics. 2008; 152:685-9.
Dubinsky M.C., Kugathasan S., Mei L., Picornell Y., Nebel J., Wrobel I., Quiros A., Silber G., Wahbeh G., Katzir L., Vasiliauskas E., Bahar R., Otley A., Mack D., Evans J., Rosh J., Hemker M.O., Leleiko N., Crandall W., Langton C., Landers C., Taylor K.D., Targan S.R., Rotter J.I., Markowitz J., Hyams J., Western Regional Pediatric IBD Research Alliance, Pediatric IBD Collaborative Research Group, and the Wisconsin Pediatric IBD Alliance. Increased Immune Reactivity Predicts Aggressive Complicating Crohn’s Disease in Children. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2008; 6:1105-11.
Bahar R.J., Collins B.S. Response to Letter to the Editor regarding “Double-blind placebo-controlled trial of amitriptyline for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in adolescents. Journal of Pediatrics. 2008; 6:872-4.
Markowitz J., Kugathasan S., Dubinsky M., Mei L., Crandall W., Leleiko N., Olivia-Hemker M., Rosh J., Evans J., Mack D., Otley A., Pfefferkorn M., Bahar R., Vasiliauskas E., Wahbeh G., Silber G., Quiros J.A., Wrobel I., Nebel J., Landers C., Picornell Y., Targan S., Lerer T., Hyams J. Age of diagnosis influences responses in children with Crohn disease: A possible clue to etiology? Inflamm Bowel Disease. 2008 Dec 23.
Siegel CA, Siegel LS, Hyams JS, Kugathasan S, Markowitz J, Rosh JR, Leleiko N, Mack DR, Crandall W, Evans J, Keljo DJ, Otley AR, Oliva-Hemker M, Farrior S, Langton CR, Wrobel IT, Wahbeh G, Quiros JA, Silber G, Bahar RJ, Sands BE, Dubinsky MC. A Real-time tool to display the predicted disease course and treatment response for children with Crohn's disease. Inflamm Bowel Disease. 2011 Jan; 17:30-8.
Dubinsky MC, Kugathasan S, Kown S, Haritunians T, Wrobel I, Wahbeh G, Qiros A, Bahar R, Silber G, Farrior S, Stephens M, Teleten N, Panikkath D, Ippoliti A, Vasiliauskas E, Fleshner P, William C, Landers C, Rotter JI, Targan SR, Taylor KD, McGovern DP. Multidimensional prognostic risk assessment identifies association between IL12B variation and surgery in Crohn’s disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2013 Jul; 19:1662-70.
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