Sucheta Joshi, MD, MS, FAAP, FAES
Sucheta Joshi, MD, MS, FAAP, FAES is a Pediatric Neurologist and Epileptologist. She completed training at University of California San Francisco, Stanford University and University of Michigan School of Public Health. Dr. Joshi is Professor in Pediatric Neurology, USC KSOM, and the Medical Director of the Comprehensive Epilepsy program at CHLA. Her clinical interests involve difficult to treat pediatric epilepsy, EEG and EEG monitoring. Her clinical and scholarly interests also include improving access to epilepsy care for children in medically underserved areas using innovative methods for epilepsy care such as telemedicine and telementoring, and transition of adolescents with epilepsy to adult care.
She has served as the Medical Director, and is currently on the Advisory Committee for the American Academy of Pediatrics National Coordinating Center for Epilepsy. She has been key faculty for development of several Epilepsy ECHO projects since 2013. Dr. Joshi is Secretary of the Board of the Pediatric Epilepsy Research Consortium, an organization to foster multicenter research in Pediatric Epilepsy. She has served on the Executive Committee of the Child Neurology Society, AAP Section on Neurology, and as faculty for the AAP, American Epilepsy Society, Child Neurology Society and the International Child Neurology Association. She has mentored medical students, residents, fellows and social workers on research projects, lectured on epilepsy related topics at national and international meetings, published several peer-reviewed manuscripts, book chapters and is a reviewer for scientific journals.
Dr. Joshi's clinical interests involve difficult to treat pediatric epilepsy, EEG and EEG monitoring. Her clinical and scholarly interests also include improving access to epilepsy care for children in medically underserved areas using innovative methods for epilepsy care such as telemedicine and telementoring, and transition of adolescents with epilepsy to adult care.
Seth G.S. Medical College, University of Bombay, Mumbai, India
University of Michigan, MS
University of California San Francisco, Pediatrics
Seth G.S. Medical College, University of Bombay, India, Pediatrics
University of California San Francisco, Pediatrics
Stanford University School of Medicine, Pediatric Neurology
Stanford University School of Medicine, Clinical Neurophysiology
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology with Special Competence in Child Neurology
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Epilepsy
Child Neurology Society
American Epilepsy Society
American Academy of Pediatrics
International Child Neurology Association
Outstanding Junior Member, Child Neurology Society
Top 10% Teaching faculty, University of Michigan
Visiting Professor (East Tennessee State University), American Academy of Pediatrics
- Access and Quality care for pediatric epilepsy- HRSA-DHHS-US (9/2016-2/2021)
- An Open-label Study to investigate the safety and pharmacokinetics of Single Ascending doses of anti-sense oligonucleotide STK-001 in children and adolescents with Dravet Syndrome- Stoke Therapeutics (9/2020-9/2021)
- An Open-label Study to investigate the safety and pharmacokinetics of Single Ascending doses of anti-sense oligonucleotide STK-001 in children and adolescents with Dravet Syndrome (multicenter open label extension)- Stoke Therapeutics (9/2020-9/2023)
- Developing a registry for adolescents and young adults with epilepsy (ages 16-26 years) across multiple institutions, using EpiTRAQ as a screening tool for transition readiness- Pediatric Epilepsy Research Foundation (9/2021-2/2/2024)
Kang PB, Bale JF Jr, Mintz M, Joshi SM, Gilbert DL, Radabaugh C, Ruch-Ross H. The child neurology clinical workforce in 2015: Report of the AAP/CNS Joint Taskforce. Neurology 87(13): 1384-92, 2016. PMID27566740/PMIDC5047042.
Knupp KG, Coryell J, Nickels KC, Ryan N, Leister E, Loddenkemper T, Grinspan Z, Hartman AL, Kossoff EH, Gaillard WD, Mytinger JR, Joshi S, Shellhaas RA, Sullivan J, Dlugos D, Hamikawa L, Berg AT, Millichap J, Nordli Jr DR, Wirrell E. Response to treatment in a prospective national infantile spasms cohort. Annals of Neurology 79(3): 475-484, 2016. PMID26704170.
Kutscher EJ, Joshi SM, Patel AD, Hafeez B, Grinspan ZM. Barriers to Genetic Testing for Pediatric Medicaid Beneficiaries With Epilepsy. Pediatr Neurol 73: 28-35, 2017. PMID:28583702.
Wagner AL, Xia L, Ghosh A, Datta S, Pandey P, Santra S, Chattopadhyay S, Nandi U, Mazumder T, Joshi S, Pal J, Mukherjee B. Using community health workers to refer pregnant women and young children to health care facilities in rural West Bengal, India: a prospective cohort study. PLoS One [In press] n/a: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0199607, 2018. PMID: 29928057.
Clark SJ, Beimer NJ, Gebremariam A, Fletcher LL, Patel AD, Carbone L, Guyot JA, Joshi SM. Validation of EpiTRAQ, a transition readiness assessment tool for adolescents and young adults with epilepsy. Epilepsia Open 5(3): 487-495, 2020. PMID32913956/PMIDC7469762
Gali K, Joshi S, Hueneke S, Katzenbach A, Radecki L, Calabrese T, Fletcher L, Trandafir C, Wilson C, Goyal M, Wusthoff CJ, Le Pichon JB, Corvalan R, Golson A, Hardy J, Smith M, Cook E, Bonkowsky JL. Barriers, access and management of paediatric epilepsy with telehealth. J Telemed Telecare: 1357633X20969531, 2020. PMID33183129.
Grinspan ZM, Mytinger JR, Baumer FM, Ciliberto MA, Cohen BH, Dlugos DJ, Harini C, Hussain SA, Joshi SM, Keator CG, Knupp KG, McGoldrick PE, Nickels KC, Park JT, Pasupuleti A, Patel AD, Shahid AM, Shellhaas RA, Shrey DW, Singh RK, Wolf SM, Yozawitz EG, Yuskaitis CJ, Waugh JL, Pearl PL. Management of Infantile Spasms During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Child Neurol: 883073820933739, 2020. PMID32576057/PMIDC7315378.
Joshi S, Gali K, Radecki L, Shah A, Hueneke S, Calabrese T, Katzenbach A, Sachdeva R, Brown L, Kimball E, White P, McManus P, Wood D, Nelson EL, Archuleta P. Integrating quality improvement into the ECHO model to improve care for children and youth with epilepsy. Epilepsia: 2020. PMID32860215
Joshi CN, Miller JS, Silveira LJ, Nelson JA, Walleigh DJ, Joshi SM, Patel AD. A Multicenter Study of Adherence to Best Practices and Application of Epilepsy Quality Metrics in a Pediatric Telemedicine Encounter. J Child Neurol: 8830738221099730, 2022. PMID35656770.
Kanhere S, Joshi SM. Transition of Care in Epilepsy. Indian J Pediatr. 2023 Nov;90(11):1127-1133. PMID 37338670
Dr. Joshi's research focuses on understanding the impact of epilepsy on quality of life in adolescents.