Refer a Patient
Referral Instructions
For new referrals, be sure that your referral request includes the following items:
- Physician Name, Office Address and Phone Number
- Patient Name, Date of Birth and Parent or Guardian's Name
- Reason for Referral
- Clinic Name (see below for full list) or Physician Name for your referral
- Insurance Information for Patient
- Authorization (when required)
Most physician offices have a standard referral form in use. If your office would prefer to use our Children's Referral Form, please download and complete it and fax or scan it back to us. We look forward to assisting your patients in obtaining the care that they need.
Refer a Patient to an Outpatient Clinic
Referral Service
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Admit a Patient | Request a Transport
24-Hour Line
Clinic Referral List
Adolescent Medicine
Fax: 323-953-8116
Phone: 323-361-2153
Allergy and Immunology
Fax: 323-361-1191
Phone: 323-361-2501
Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment
Fax: 323-361-8196
Phone: 323-361-6102
Bone Marrow Transplant
Fax: 323-361-8068
Phone: 323-361-2546
Fax: 323-361-1513
Phone: 323-361-2461
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Fax: 323-361-3668
Phone: 323-361-4148
Cardiothoracic Transplant Program
Fax: 323-361-7979
Phone: 323-361-5965
Fax: 323-361-3632
Phone: 323-361-2154
Fax: 323-361-1090
Phone: 323-361-2130
Fax: 323-361-7257
Phone: 323-361-4191
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
Fax: 323-361-8196
Phone: 323-361-6102
Developmental Disorders
Phone: 323-361-2300
Fax: 323-361-8065
Phone: 323-361-4606
Fax: 323-361-4539
Phone: 323-361-2560
Fax: 323-361-8065
Phone: 323-361-4606
Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Fax: 323-361-3718
Phone: 323-361-2181
General Pediatrics (ALTAMED)
Fax: 323-361-7926
Phone: 323-669-2534
Genetic Test Assistance and Counseling Clinic
Phone: 323-361-5536
Fax: 323-361-1104
Hearing and Speech
Fax: 323-361-1835
Phone: 323-361-4028
Hematology and Oncology
Fax: 323-361-3642
Imaging and Radiology
Fax: 323-361-5169
Phone: 323-361-2411
Infectious Diseases
Fax: 323-361-1183
Phone: 323-361-2509
Kidney Transplant Program
Fax: 323-361-1184
Phone: 323-361-2102
Liver and Intestinal Transplant Program
Fax: 323-361-3612
Phone: 323-361-5454
Maternal and Fetal Health/Fetal-Maternal Center
Fax: 323-361-6069
Phone: 323-361-6078
Medical Genetics
Fax: 323-361-1172
Phone: 323-361-2178
Mental Health
Fax: 323-361-3843
Phone: 323-361-2350
Mitochondrial Disorders Clinic
Fax: 323-361-1172
Phone: 323-361-2178
Fax: 323-361-7297
Phone: 323-361-2531
Fax: 323-361-1184
Phone: 323-361-2102
Fax: 323-361-1109
Phone: 323-361-2471
Fax: 323-361-3101
Phone: 323-361-2169
Fax: 323-361-9812
Phone: 323-361-2347
Orthopedic Surgery
Fax: 323-361-3112
Phone: 323-361-2142
Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery
Fax: 323-361-3717
Phone: 323-361-2145
Outpatient Registration
Fax: 323-361-6050
Phone: 800-877-2452
Pain Management Clinic
Fax: 323-361-1001
Phone: 323-361-7686
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Fax: 323-361-8004
Phone: 323-361-2469
Pediatric Surgery
Fax: 323-361-4775
Phone: 323-361-2322
Physical and Occupational Therapy
Fax: 323-361-8166
Phone: 323-361-2118
Plastic Surgery
Fax: 323-361-3632
Phone: 323-361-2154
Fax: 323-361-2019
Phone: 323-361-3430
Pulmonary Clinic
Fax: 323-361-4533
Phone: 323-361-2287
Pulmonary Function Lab
Fax: 323-361-1364
Phone: 323-361-2162
Radiation Oncology
Fax: 323-361-7977
Phone: 323-361-2417
Fax: 323-361-8988
Phone: 323-361-2411
Fax: 323-361-8166
Phone: 323-361-2231
Fax: 323-361-8030
Phone: 323-361-2119
Fax: 323-361-3116
Phone: 323-361-2142
Sleep Center
Fax: 323-361-1364
Phone: 323-361-2287
Spina Bifida
Fax: 323-361-8566
Phone: 323-361-2384
TeenHealth Center
Fax: 323-361-8116
Phone: 323-361-2153
Fax: 323-361-8034
Phone: 323-361-2247
Vascular Anomalies Center
Fax: 323-361-3632
Phone: 323-361-2154