Customer Obligations & Core Policies
The following applies to all users of the Cores and by utilizing Core services agree to follow all institutional lab safety and compliance policies as well as Core User policies, including the policies listed below.
Regulatory Compliance
- IRB, IBC, IACUC, RSC and SCRO approvals will be acquired as appropriate to the project-based work (Lab Safety & HSPP resources)
- Provide protocol numbers to the core prior to work commencing
- Appropriate Safety Courses are required (Lab Safety Training and Bloodborne Pathogens)
- Provide copies of your CITI completion certificates to the core prior to work commencing
Scheduling & Service Policy
- Utilize CoreConnect to book or request services as designated by the core
- Arrive on time for scheduled appointments
- Provide 24-hour advance notice for cancellations
- Communicate with core staff immediately if adjustments are needed for services rendered
Equipment Use Policy
- Utilize CoreConnect to book or request equipment as designated by the core
- Refrain from using equipment without prior training and approval from core staff
- Handle equipment with care
- Clean up after use
- Return the equipment (if applicable)
- Communicate with core staff immediately if assistance is needed or encounter a problem
- Commit to pay for any repairs or replacement of equipment if damaged by core user
Paying for Core Facility Services Policy
- Agreeing to remit payment in accordance with the published core rate schedule found on
- Principal investigators (PI) internal to CHLA are responsible for providing valid project numbers or department/divisional financial cost centers to core managers when requesting services. Be sure that the project or cost center meets all of the following criteria:
- You are authorized by the PI and your divisional research administrator to use the project or divisional cost center
- If using an intramural or extramural project, it has sufficient funds to pay for services and has not expired (charges are within its budget period of performance).
- The service being requested is allowable under the award and sufficient funds exist within the associated budget category
- Review invoices as generated by the core and retain for your records. All invoicing is managed and documented in CoreConnect.
Core Acknowledgement in Publications Policy
- Users acknowledge that, where appropriate, the CHLA Core(s) of the Saban Research Institute at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles will be acknowledged in any scientific publications or presentations that result from work performed at the Facility or with Facility staff
- How to cite the Core in publications: This work was supported by the [Name CHLA Core] Core of the Saban Research Institute at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA)