DSRD Clinical Trial

Mechanistic Investigation of Therapies for Down Syndrome Regression Disorder

The first Phase IIb clinical trial in Down syndrome regression disorder (DSRD). An open-label, randomized study comparing the safety and efficacy of lorazepam, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) and the Janus Kinase inhibitor (JAK inhibitor), tofacitinib.

Study Details
Time commitment/Requirements
Participation will last up to two years, depending on when you complete the screening, whether you are enrolled in the delayed treatment group, or whether you complete the optional follow-up visits. A breakdown of each visit is provided below:

Visit 1: Screening (no more than 12 weeks prior to Baseline)
Review eligibility and health history, DSRD diagnostic workup, consent to participate, screening labs (blood work), MRI, EEG, LP, EKG, chest X-Ray, safety monitoring (i.e. vitals and a brief physical exam), randomization into a treatment arm

Visit 2a: Baseline (this visit is the same as Visit 2b; it is only applicable to participants in the delayed treatment group)

Visit 2b: Baseline & Begin Treatment (Time 0)
Questionnaires, safety monitoring, research labs (blood work), neurologic exam, clinical and cognitive assessments

Visit 3: Treatment (Week 2)
Safety monitoring, research labs (blood work)

Visit 4: Treatment (Week 4)
Safety monitoring, research labs (blood work), EKG

Visit 5: Treatment (Week 8)
Safety monitoring, research labs (blood work)

Visit 6: Endpoint & End Treatment (Week 12)
Questionnaires, safety monitoring, research labs (blood work), neurologic exam, clinical and cognitive assessments, DSRD workup

Visit 7-9: Follow-ups (optional in-person or telephone follow-up visits at 1 month, 6 months, and 12 months after Endpoint visit)
12-point review of systems, review health history and medical records, physical and neurological exams (in-person only), safety and research labs (in-person only)
Clinical Trials Government Identifier
IVIG tofacitnib
Study Type
Clinical Trial
Drug Treatment
Age 8-30

Weight >40kg

Confirmed diagnosis of Down syndrome

Possible or probable diagnosis of DSRD per 2022 consensus

Agree to a washout of any medications intended to treat DSRD

Agree to random treatment assignment

No known allergies to lorazepam, IVIg, or tofacitinib

Not pregnant or breastfeeding

No past or current tobacco smoking

Be able to present with a parent or legal guardian to all study visits

No co-occurring conditions or medications/interventions (see full list at clinicaltrials.gov)

Note: Participants may be excluded for other unforeseen reasons or confounding reasons for DSRD symptoms at the study doctor’s discretion.
Does this study also recruit healthy volunteers?
Enrollment Status
Research Contact
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