Surgery Centers

Children's Hospital Los Angeles provides the full spectrum of surgical care — from routine procedures to complex surgeries — in two modern, leading-edge surgical centers. What sets us apart is our unique expertise and capability to routinely care for children requiring highly complex operations, delivering exceptional outcomes tailored to their needs.
Our surgeons have access to all of the specialists who may be needed for a child's recovery. Post-surgery care is coordinated by a multispecialty team of pediatric experts and children can be smoothly transferred from the operating room to an inpatient setting.
Family-Friendly Environment
- Pre-surgical tours offered.
- Play area staffed with a Child Life Specialist.
- Access to our gardens, dining options and waiting areas.
- Parents join children at the bedside as they go to sleep and awaken after surgery.
- Complimentary valet service on procedure day
Ambulatory Surgery Center
The Ambulatory Surgery Center is a modern, fully-equipped facility, featuring three state-of-the-art operating rooms and one procedure room.
This center provides all of the convenience of a state-of-the-art outpatient procedure center yet provides families with access to the full array of pediatric services available at our hospital's main campus.
The center is staffed by anesthesiologists and registered nurse anesthetists who are specially trained in treating children.
Burtie Green Bettingen Surgery Center
The Bettingen Surgery Center includes 14 state-of-the-art outpatient operating rooms, special procedure units, recovery facilities and the Associates Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery. Minimally invasive techniques and technology allow some procedures to be performed more quickly, with less pain and
a faster recovery time.
The Center is named after one of the hospital’s most generous benefactors, contributing more than $18 million. Burton Green Bettingen, known to her friends as “Burtie,” was eight years old when she was rushed to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles for neurosurgery due to complications from meningitis, a brain condition. The compassionate care she received during her time here made an impact on her long after she went home.