That’s gotta hurt! Occurring right above the elbow joint, supracondylar humerus fractures (as shown above) are a common pediatric injury and account for over half of elbow fractures in kids. But what
Diagnosed with cerebral palsy so severe he was tripping over his own feet, Brady came to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles for treatment. The result? A “night and day difference,” says his mom.
Orthopedist Melissa Bent, herself born with the disorder, is now a specialist in it and helping to lead the hospital’s treatment of the most common congenital foot deformity.
Comprehensive care provided by orthopedic experts at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles—combined with a spunky personality and can-do attitude—allow this 6-year-old to look beyond his condition and
Parents frequently seek medical advice for the appearance of their child's lower extremities. Genu Varum, known as bowlegs, is a common concern and can ultimately lead to referral to an orthopedic
Imagine back pain so debilitating you can’t even get out of bed. For 18-year-old Eric, an innovative surgery finally provided relief and the chance to pursue his dreams.