Flow Cytometry Core
Flow cytometry is a powerful tool to measure multiple biological characteristics of individual cells—analyzing millions of cells in a very short time.
To assist investigators with this tool, the Flow Cytometry (FACS) Core at CHLA—led by Hisham Abdel-Azim, MD—provides researchers with state-of-the-art, laser-based instrumentation, along with scientific expertise, analysis and sorting services, software and technical training. Diverse instruments can perform high-parameter analysis of morphology, phenotyping and functional assays, as well as sorting for cell culture or DNA/RNA analysis.
The Core’s latest addition is the Cytek Aurora spectral flow cytometer. This leading-edge system—equipped with five lasers, two scattering channels and 64 fluorescence detectors—looks at the full emission spectrum of each fluorochrome.
This technology allows the Aurora to analyze very similar dyes and acquire up to 40 colors, giving researchers great flexibility on a wide range of new fluorochrome combinations without reconfiguring the system. It also has a convenient, 96-well auto-sampler.
The Core staff have extensive knowledge and experience and they are committed to helping investigators enhance their research capabilities to achieve their scientific goals.
For more information, please contact Dr. Abdel-Azim, MD, at habdelazim@chla.usc.edu, or Core Scientists Annie Luong (aluong@chla.usc.edu) or Jackie Lin (tslin@chla.usc.edu).