CHLA Patients Transform Into 'Handy Heroes'
At what camp can you be a Jedi one day and a wizard the next, and all while improving strength, coordination and motor skills? Handy Heroes Therapy Camp!

This therapeutic summer day camp at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is a unique camp—in fact, it’s the only camp of its kind within the greater Los Angeles area—that specializes in helping children with hemiparesis, a condition that often limits a child’s ability to use one side of the body.
Handy Heroes is led by CHLA’s occupational therapists and uses innovative approaches to improve strength, coordination and motor skills in the child’s weaker hand. Each day of camp has a different and exciting theme. For example, kids will practice their wand work during a Harry Potter day or participate in music and pet therapy.
The camp accepts kids from 6 to 12 years old and includes:

- Pre and post-camp assessments
- Individualized goals
- Six hours of daily occupational therapy for two weeks
- And much more
Handy Heroes Therapy Camp provides psychological and social benefits in addition to physical benefits—creating a sense of acceptance, unity and empowerment that are priceless for the campers and their families.
Find out more about Handy Heroes at CHLA.org/HandyHeroes.