One Straight Year of Therapy Dogs

Not many people can say they haven’t missed a single day of work for an entire year, but the furry volunteers of the Amerman Family Foundation Dog Therapy Program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles can!
This incredible milestone was met on April 11. That’s 365 consecutive days of therapy dogs bringing comfort, joy and tenderness to the patients at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles! The dogs and their owners visit patients from early morning to night, seven days a week, all year round.
Although their jobs are 'ruff,' (who likes to be called "cute" all day, right?) all 107 pups show up to CHLA with tails wagging, and ready to do their jobs.
What are their jobs exactly? Here's a handful:
All the dogs provide patient room visits, providing a happy, memorable moment during what can be a difficult time.
They can give a good cuddle or laugh.
They are used as a distraction during painful or long procedures.
As part of our Pain Management and Palliative Care Program, they provide relief for those in pain.
Therapy dogs are also incorporated into physcial, occupational and speech therapy efforts.
The dogs also lend support to siblings, parents, visitors, medical staff and other employees.
These wonderful and unique volunteers cheer up anyone from young and old, and we’re very thankful for every single dog and their owners! So, let’s give a round of a-paw-lause and celebrate with some cake … a pup cake, that is. Oh, and let’s not forget the ‘pawty’ hats!