Content related to Living Life With All His Heart
A Gift for Gabriel
October 9, 2015
Two-year-old Gabriel Lopez had been hospitalized for more than a year, hooked up to a 200-pound machine. Then, on Christmas Eve, he got the gift of a lifetime.
Heart—and Eyes—of a Champion
February 7, 2020
How Noa outran three heart surgeries—and retinoblastoma
Striving for a Chance
April 24, 2019
Baby Striver was born with three heart chambers instead of four. He’s been a fighter ever since.
Brotherly Love: A Family Gives Back
May 20, 2015
A minor cut almost took 11-year-old Jonah’s life. Now, he and his brothers are giving back to CHLA—for a ‘Dreamnight’ at the Los Angeles Zoo.
Standing Tall
February 23, 2015
More than 30 surgeries to correct his chest, rib and spinal abnormalities have not been able to diminish the courage of Alex Ito.
Billy Becerra and the Unbearable Lightness of Grieving
May 24, 2018
“Have you ever jumped out of an airplane?” You got the wrong guy, buddy. Any points for parasailing? No, none, Billy Becerra says. “That’s nothing compared to skydiving. It’s more like flying. When
The Kid’s Got Heart
October 11, 2018
When it comes to baseball, “heart” is one of those intangibles in a player that scouts covet. Generally, the word refers to a variety of attributes including hustle, mental fortitude, patience and
Elliott’s Total Eclipse of the Heart
March 15, 2019
On the morning of Aug. 21, 2017, a nurse brought a special gift into 2-year-old Elliott’s room at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles: a pair of eclipse glasses. It was the day of the much-anticipated
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