All Children’s Hospital Los Angeles locations are open.
Wildfire Support Line for Current Patients, Families and Team Members:
323-361-1121 (no texts)
8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
We work with schools, community organizations, policymakers, providers and technology companies to transform pediatric care.
Innovation is a team sport. We partner with driven individuals and organizations who are passionate about transforming pediatric care.
From idea-stage startups to large technology companies, CHLA's Innovation Studio collaborates with entrepreneurs, product managers, developers and teams working towards our overarching goal of transforming pediatric care.
We have partnerships with academic institutions across the country, from public schools to research universities. We train students on design thinking and work collaboratively on opportunities our team is addressing.
Building relationships with organizations in our patient's communities is essential to elevating their social and emotional health long term.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, professor, medical provider or someone who wants to transform pediatric health care, we would love to hear from you.
If you are a startup, for fast-tracked reviews by our team, please attach your pitch-deck, video or one-pager.