Check out our Cellular Imaging Research Core
The Cellular Imaging Core offers advanced light microscopes for use by all researchers at CHLA. This Core’s Imaging Scientist, G. Esteban Fernandez, PhD, can help you develop expertise at acquiring images using techniques like fluorescence, confocal and light sheet microscopy. The Core’s diverse range of instruments can image almost any specimen at high resolution. And if you need to analyze your images to get quantitative data, Dr. Fernandez can train you to do it with open-source software on your own computer or, for more advanced applications, with specialized software on the Core’s powerful computers.
The Core’s latest addition is a Leica STELLARIS 5 confocal microscope that is so FAST it can measure not just the brightness and color of fluorescent dyes but also the speed of light release. This is exciting because the speed of fluorescence (called the “lifetime”) gives information about the chemical state of living specimens, allowing us to probe characteristics like pH, molecular interactions and biophysical forces, to name a few. This type of imaging is called fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy.
Check out CHLA.org/CellularImaging or this page, then contact Dr. Fernandez at gefernandez@chla.usc.edu to get a demonstration and talk about your ideas for imaging experiments.