Anoopindar Bhalla, MD
Respiratory physiology, acute lung injury, pediatric critical care outcomes; improving the management of mechanically ventilated children.
Washington University School of Medicine
Children's Memorial Hospital
Children's Memorial Hospital
Children's Hospital Los Angeles: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, American Board of Anesthesiology
Ghuman A, Newth C, Khemani K. The Association Between the End Tidal Alveolar Dead Space Fraction and Mortality in Pediatric Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2012; 13(1):11-5
Ghuman A, Newth C, Khemani K. Impact of Gender on Sepsis Mortality and Severity of Illness for Prepubertal and Postpubertal Children. J Pediatr 2013; 163(3):835-40
Rubin S, Ghuman A, Deakers T, Khemani K, Ross P, Newth C. Effort of Breathing in Children Receiving High-Flow Nasal Cannula. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2014; 15 (1):1-6
Ross P, Khemani R, Rubin S, Bhalla A, Newth C. Elevated Positive End Expiratory Pressure Decreases Cardiac Index in a Rhesus Monkey Model. Front. Pediatr. 2014; 2:134
Khemani R, Flink R, Hotz J, Ross P, Ghuman A, and Newth C. Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography calibration for pediatric upper airway obstruction: an animal model. Pediatr Res 2015; 77(1-1):75-83
Bhalla A, Rubin S, Newth C, Ross P, Soto-Campos G, Morzov R, Khemani R. Monitoring Dead Space Markers in Mechanically Ventilated Children: Volumetric Capnography versus Time Based Capnography. Respiratory Care. 2015; 60(11):1548-55
Bhalla A, Belani S, Leung D, Newth C, Khemani R. Higher Dead Space is Associated with Increased Mortality in Critically Ill Children. Critical Care Medicine. 2015; 43(11):2439-45
Yehya N, Bhalla A, Thomas N, Khemani R. Alveolar Dead Space Fraction Discriminates Mortality in Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, accepted, 2015