Colleen Kraft, MD, MBA
Colleen A. Kraft, MD, MBA, FAAP is the 2018 Past President of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Her background includes work in primary care pediatrics, pediatric education, and health care financing.
Dr. Kraft led a pediatric accountable care program at Cincinnati Children’s from 2014-2017. Her financial model incorporated investments to address social determinants of health, population health data-driven quality improvement initiatives and improved payment for primary care services. Dr. Kraft served as Interim Medical Director for the Complex Care Program at Cincinnati Children’s from 2016-2017, where she led family-centered design with team-based professionals in the care of medically complex children. She was the Primary Investigator at Cincinnati Children’s for the Children’s Hospital Association Health Care Innovation Award.
Dr. Kraft was the Founding Program Director of the Pediatric Residency at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine. She developed a Health Care Policy and Management Elective for residents during her time in Roanoke, Virginia. As a Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Advisor, she developed practice design models utilizing home visitors as in-home care managers which resulted in improved medical, behavioral, and educational outcomes.
As President of the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2018, Dr. Kraft is best known for her advocacy for humane treatment of migrant children at the US-Mexico border. Her explanation to the public regarding the harm to young children during the “Zero Tolerance” policy that included separation of children from parents at the border help to mobilize advocates across the political spectrum to end this policy. She continues to advocate for basic child rights for children throughout the world.
Community Pediatrics, Child Advocacy, Health Care Financing, Pediatric Education
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Children's Hospital of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Children's Hospital of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Board Certification, American Board of Pediatrics
American Academy of Pediatrics
Academic Pediatric Association
Canadian Pediatric Society
American Medical Association
2018 President of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Advisor, 2012
Susan Aaronson Award for Early Childhood from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Donoghue and Kraft, 2018. Managing Chronic Health Needs in Child Care and Schools, a Quick Reference Guide, 2nd Edition. Chicago: American Academy of Pedatrics
Relationship-focused vs. Structural Activities in Medical Home Measurement in Pediatrics. Stille CJ, Raphael JL, Carle AC, Keller DM, Turchi RM, Kraft CA, Mann MY, Bright D. Matern Child Health J. 2018 Nov;22(11):1580-1588. doi: 10.1007/s10995-018-2552-8. PMID: 29926246
Guiding Principles for Team-Based Pediatric Care.
Katkin JP, Kressly SJ, Edwards AR, Perrin JM, Kraft CA, Richerson JE, Tieder JS, Wall L; TASK FORCE ON PEDIATRIC PRACTICE CHANGE.Pediatrics. 2017 Aug;140(2). pii: e20171489. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-1489. Review.
Community Pediatrics
Early Brain and Child Development
Children with Special Health Care needs
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