Jennifer Su, MD
Jennifer Su, MD, is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Southern California (USC) in the Division of Pediatric Cardiology at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. She graduated from University of California, Berkeley with a Bachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology in 2004, and then attended University of California, Irvine School of Medicine where she received her Doctor of Medicine in 2009. She completed her internship and residency in pediatrics at University of California, Los Angeles in 2012, and a fellowship in pediatric cardiology at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in 2015. She underwent an additional year of training at CHLA in 2016 to subspecialize in pediatric heart failure and transplantation. Dr. Su’s research interests include biomarkers of heart failure, mechanical circulatory support, heart transplantation, and cardiogenomics.
Cardiomyopathies, heart failure, mechanical circulatory support, heart transplantation, and cardiogenomics.
University of California, Irvine School of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles, Pediatrics
University of California, Los Angeles, Pediatrics
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
General Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatric Cardiology, American Board of Pediatrics
American College of Cardiology (FACC); Adult Congenital and Pediatric Cardiology Section, Heart Failure and Transplant Section
American Heart Association; Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young
International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation
Janet M. Glasgow Achievement Award, University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine (2009)
Evangeline N. Percival, M.D. Award, University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine (2009)
American College of Cardiology Legislative Conference Travel Grant (2009)
Arno R. Hohn Memorial Award for Best Research, Western Society of Pediatric Cardiologists (2012)
Women in Cardiology Trainee Award for Excellence, American Heart Association (2014)
Best Poster Award Finalist, The Saban Research Institute (2015)
Su JA, Menteer J. Outcomes of Berlin Heart EXCOR support in patients with restrictive and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Pediatr Transplant. 2017 Sep 14. [Epub ahead of print]
Peterson S, Su JA, Szmuszkovicz JR, Johnson R, Sargent B. Exercise Capacity Following Pediatric Heart Transplantation: A Systematic Review. Pediatr Transplant. 2017 Aug;21(5).
Su JA, Cheng AL, Szmuszkovicz JR. Left Bronchial Compression and Pulmonary Hypertension Related to Anomalous Right Pulmonary Artery. Cardiol Young. 2016 Jun;26(5):999-1001.
Su JA, Ramos-Platt L, Menteer J. Left ventricular tonic contraction as a novel biomarker of cardiomyopathy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Pediatr Cardiol. 2016 Apr;37(4):678-85.
Su JA, Ho J, Wong PC. Unguarded mitral orifice associated with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Cardiol Young. 2015 Jun;25(5):1002-5.
Su JA, Kelly RB, Grogan T, Elashoff D, Alejos JC.Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support after pediatric orthotopic heart transplantation. Pediatr Transplant. 2015 Feb;19(1):68-75.
Su JA, Tang W, Rivero N, Bar-Cohen Y. Prenatal exposure to methyldopa leading to hypertensive crisis and cardiac failure in a neonate. Pediatrics. 2014 May;133(5):e1392-5.
MegaDoctorNews - 5 Things Physicians Should Know About Pediatric Heart Failure
American Heart Association News - Son's heart diagnosis may have saved dad's life
Washington Post - FDA authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children 5 to 11
MedShadow - COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids: Should I Be Worried About Myocarditis?
National Geographic - The real risk of heart inflammation to kids is from COVID-19—not the vaccine
5 Things Physicians Should Know About Pediatric Heart Failure
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