Natasha Leporé, PhD
My current work involves the development of numerical tools for the analysis of brain anatomical and functional magnetic resonance imaging data. I also work on applying these methods to different types of brain imaging data including healthy brain development, developmental disorders and sensory deprivation, among others. I am currently an assistant professor in Radiology at the University of Southern California and at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
I graduated with a Bsc in physics and mathematics from the University of Montreal and then obtained a masters in applied mathematics from Cambridge University, in general relativity. My PhD is in theoretical physics (Harvard University), and deals with quantum chaos in quantum billiards living on the plane and the pseudosphere.
Afterward, I switched to neuroimaging and became a postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, working with Dr. Paul Thompson.
A Panigrahy, J Wisnowski, A Furtado, N Lepore, L Paquette, S Bluml Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Preterm Brain Injury: Toward Developing the Preterm Connectome, 2011
CC Brun, N Lepore, X Pennec, YY Chou, M Barysheva, AD Lee, GI de Zubicaray, K McMahon, M Wright, AW Toga, PM Thompson: A Non-Conservative Lagrangian Framework for Statistical Fluid Registration, A Non-Conservative Lagrangian Framework for Statistical Fluid Registration, 2011
AD Lee, N Lepore, M Barysheva, YY Chou, A Schwartzman, CC Brun, SK Madsen, GI de Zubicaray, K McMahon, M Wright, AW Toga, PM Thompson: A multivariate analysis of the eect of genes and environmenton brain fiber architecture, 2011
LC Henry, J Tremblay, S Tremblay, AD Lee, C Brun, N Lepore, M Lassonde: Acute and Chronic Changes in Diffusivity Measures After Sports Concussions, Journal of Neurotrauma 28, 2049-2059, 2011
In the first study of its kind, Natasha Leporé, PhD, and colleagues have pinpointed structural anomalies in the developing brain that may increase the risk of cognitive disabilities, such as frontal executive dysfunction (FED) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), in premature newborns. This study will be published by the Public Library of Science in PLOS ONE.
Research Studies
Our purpose is to look at the long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm neonatal brain abnormalities.
To find out the effects of ApoE4 on the Preterm Brain.