Rebecca Margolis, DO, FAOCA
Dr. Rebecca Margolis practices Pediatric Anesthesiology at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and presently serves as an associate professor of clinical anesthesia and as the inaugural Director of Well-Being in the Department of Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine. She serves as the Founder and Co-Chair of the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia’s Committee for Physician Well-Being where she aims to enable systems-based approaches to make healthcare a more sustainable career choice. Dr. Margolis serves as an American Board of Anesthesiology Oral Board Examiner and enjoys collaborating on other national committees including the American Society of Anesthesiology’s Committee on Physician Well-Being. Her research interests include clinician sustainability, obstructive sleep apnea and medical education.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Thoracic Anesthesia & Single Lung Ventilation
Healthcare Provider Well-Being
Leadership & Organizational Change
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Virginia Commonwealth University, Surgery and Medicine
Virginia Commonwealth University, Anesthesiology
Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Pediatric Anesthesia
California Osteopathic Medical Board
Anesthesiology, American Board of Anesthesiology
Pediatric Anesthesiology, American Board of Anesthesiology
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology (SPA)
American College of Osteopathic Anesthesiologists (AOCA)
Women Empowerment Leadership Initiative (WELI)
National Board Examiner, American Board of Anesthesiology
Contributing Editor & Executive Council, Pediatric Anesthesia Article of the Day
Fellow, American College of Osteopathic Anesthesiologists
CM Esterline Distinguished Lecturer, American College of Osteopathic Anesthesiologists
Top Doc, Los Angeles Magazine (multiple years)
Top Doc, Pasadena Magazine (multiple years)
Sinskey JL, Margolis RD, Vinson AE. The Wicked Problem of Physician Well-Being. Anesthesiol Clin. 2022 Jun;40(2):213-223. doi: 10.1016/j.anclin.2022.01.001. Epub 2022 May 4. PMID: 35659395; PMCID: PMC9066294.
Margolis RD, Berenstain LK, Janosy N, Yanofsky S, Tackett S, Schwartz JM, Lee JK, Deutsch N, Sinskey JL. Grow and Advance through Intentional Networking: A pilot program to foster connections within the Women's Empowerment and Leadership Initiative in the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia. Paediatr Anaesth. 2021 Sep;31(9):944-952. doi: 10.1111/pan.14247. Epub 2021 Jul 16. PMID: 34166544.
Margolis RD, Ku CM. The "Difficult Learner" in Anesthesiology: Challenges, Pitfalls, and Recommendations. Paediatr Anaesth. 2020;00:1-11. PMID: 33124073.
Rebecca D Margolis, Kim M Strupp, Abbie O Beacham, Myron Yaster, Thomas M Austin, Andrew W Macrae, Laura Diaz-Berenstain, Norah R Janosy. The Effects of Coronavirus Disease 2019 on Pediatric Anesthesiologists: A Survey of the Members of the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia. Anesth Analg. 2022 Feb 1;134(2):348-356 PMID: 33439606.
Schwartz R, Sinskey JL, Anand U, Margolis RD. Addressing Postpandemic Clinician Mental Health: A Narrative Review and Conceptual Framework. Ann Intern Med. 2020 Aug 21:M20-4199, 2020. PMID: 32822206, PMCID: PMC7450528.
Don, D., Osterbauer, B., Nour, S., Matar, M., Margolis, R. and Bushman, G. (2021), Transcutaneous CO2 Monitoring in Children Undergoing Tonsillectomy for Sleep Disordered Breathing. The Laryngoscope, 131: 1410-1415. https://doi.org/10.1002/lary.29203.
Well-Being & Organizational Change
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Medical Education