Robinder Khemani, MD, MSCI
Dr. Robinder G. Khemani MD, MsCI, is the Interim Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, and joined the faculty in 2008.
In addition to his medical degree, he has a Master’s degree in Clinical Investigation from the University of Southern California, and undergraduate training in Statistics and Math. He has been recognized locally and nationally for his research, teaching, and mentorship of fellows, junior faculty, and multi-disciplinary trainees.
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine
University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics
Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Pediatric Critical Care
American Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatrics and Pediatric Critical Care
2008, Award for Research Excellence, Children’s Hospital LA, Anesthesia/CCM; 2009, 2014 Excellence in Teaching, Children’s Hospital LA, Department of Critical Care; 2009-2011 Laura P. and Leland K. Whittier Virtual PICU Fellowship Program; 2010, 2014 Society of Critical Care Medicine, Annual Abstract Scientific Award; 2012 Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference; 2013Society of Pediatric Research
Critical Care
Khemani RG, Hotz J, Morzov R, Flink R, Kamerkar A, Ross PA, Newth CJ. Risk factors for pediatirc post-extubation upper airway obstruction using a physiology based tool. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med, 2015; Sept 21 (Epub) PMID: 26389847
Khemani RG, Smith LS, Zimmerman JJ, Erisckson S, on behalf of the Pediatirc Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference Group. Pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome: definition, incidence, and epidemiology: proceedings from the pediatric acute lung injury consensus conference. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2015; Jun 16 (5 Suppl 1):S23-40. PMID 26035358
Khemani RG, Rubin S, Belani S, Leung D, Erickson SE, Smith L, Zimmerman J, Newth CJL. Pulse oximetry vs. PaO2 metrics in mechanically children: Berlin definition of ARDS and mortality risk. Intensive Care Medicine, 2015; 41(1):94-102. PMID: 25231293
Khemani RG, Thomas NJ, Venkatachalam V, Scimeme JP, Berutti T, Schneider JB, Ross PA, Willson DF, Hall MW, Newth CJ on behalf of Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Network Investigators (PALISI). Comparison of SpO2 and PaO2 based markers of lung disease severity for children with acute lung injury. Crit Care Med, 2012; 40(4) 1309-16. PMID: 22202709
Khemani RG, Conti D, Alonzo TA, Bart RD III, Newth, CJ. Effect of tidal volume in children with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. Intensive Care Medicine, 2009; 35(8):1428-37, PMID:19533092
Dr. Khemani’s major areas of reseach interest involve using observational data to answer important clinical questions in the realm of pediatric critical care. This includes but is not limited to the creation and validation of quality indicators and severity of illness scores to develop objective criteria for comparing pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) outcomes internationally. This work involves both disease specific markers for certain subgroups of PICU patients, or global ICU populations. These findings will help target specific areas for quality improvement, and help evaluate new interventions and treatment modalities. His undergraduate and graduate level training in statistical modeling and clinical investigation support this work.
He is also interested in pediatric mechanical ventilation, lung injury, and respiratory physiology, both translationally and at the bedside. He has specific interests and expertise in acute respiratory distress syndrome and upper airway obstruction: developing and validating minimally invasive pulmonary function techniques.
Active Extramural Funding
- NIH/NICHD (1K23HL103785) (PI: Khemani) Minimally Invasive Techniques to Measure Upper Airway Obstruction in Children.
- USC Coulter Foundation (PI: Khemani) RESPivice: Algorithms to manage sensor artifact in respiratory signals