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Aerial view of the CHLA Anderson Pavilion Building.

Fetal and Neonatal Institute Research

The Fetal and Neonatal Institute team strives to advance the ability to diagnose and effectively treat fetal and neonatal conditions to improve outcomes, ensuring babies achieve the best possible developmental and cognitive potential. Our team participates in interdisciplinary epidemiology/outcomes, translational, and clinical and research in partnership with colleagues at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, the University of Southern California, and with scientists throughout the US and internationally.

Our Research

News and Events

Epidemiology Section (Laboratory for Neonatal Outcomes)

  • Thursdays, 9-12
  • Multisite Collaborative Meeting 9-10, monthly
    • Interdisciplinary research meeting where works in progress are discussed
    • Opportunity to collaborate with health services research staff at OHSU, Harvard Neonatal Perinatal Research Programs

High Risk Infant Outcomes Research Group

  • Meetings (1/month, 2nd Friday, 9-10)
  • Interdisciplinary meeting to discuss research efforts regarding high risk infant outcomes (collaboration opportunities with Department of Physical Therapy, Saban Research Institute)

Monthly Clinical Fellows’ Breakfast

  • Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
  • Monthly, Tuesdays at the Schaeffer Center

High Risk Infant Summit

  • Date TBA

Training Programs

Practicum in High Risk Infant Outcomes

This experience is an exciting opportunity for graduate students (pursuing their MD or MPH or MS) to participate in multiple epidemiologic studies evaluating infant outcomes in a high risk population including but not limited to congenital heart disease, congenital abnormalities and post-partum care. The students will have an opportunity to work with attending neonatology, maternal-fetal-medicine and pediatric staff to evaluate important outcomes in relation to this large and vulnerable population. The students will perform secondary data analysis with large data sets possibly including the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS), the California Office of Statewide Planning and Development (OSHPD) database and the Kid’s Inpatient Database (KID) database through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). In addition, they may have an opportunity to work with local data from our academic hospitals.

Fellowship in Neonatal Health Outcomes

The Fetal and Neonatal Institute and the Division of Neonatology of the Department of Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) and USC will seek board eligible pediatrician candidates for a two-year research fellowship in Neonatal Health Care Outcomes. Candidates with a strong commitment for an academic experience in neonatal health care outcomes and a research career in neonatology will be provided an opportunity to develop expertise in neonatal outcomes, biostatistics & epidemiology, and health care policy and economics. Supported in part by the Teresa and Byron Pollitt Family Chair in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, our program bringing together the USC faculty at Keck (Departments of Pediatrics, Surgery and Preventive Medicine) and the USC Schaeffer Center of Health Policy & Economics. Candidates will be supported to enroll in a USC graduate degree program in Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Public Health or Health Economics.

Graduates will become experts in the field of neonatal health care outcomes. They will acquire further expertise in applied biostatistics and epidemiology, public health and health economics. This includes but is not limited to proficiency in biostatistics, epidemiology and clinical-translational research. They will conduct research in neonatal health care outcomes.