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Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Prevention (TN22)

Hydroxychloroquine is given as an investigational drug to relatives of someone with type 1 diabetes who have positive diabetes antibodies in an attempt to prevent or delay the onset of type 1 diabetes. See website for more details


To demonstrate that an ultra-fast-acting formulation of insulin lispro is non-inferior to Humalog on measures of glycemic control when administered 0 to 2 minutes before eating in combination with basal insulin.

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)

This research is being done to test the safety and effectiveness of intranasal carbetocin to treat Prader Willi Syndrome.


To collect information on the long-term effects of XLH on children and adults who have participated in burosumab clinical trials, adults and children who have not participated in burosumab clinical trials, and who may or may not have been treated with burosumab during the course of the study.