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COVID Brain Fog Study

Comparing brain MRIs, blood brain barrier integrity and cognitive performance in those with and without Long COVID symptoms and in those that have and have notbeen previously hospitalized with COVID.

Fontan Non-Newtonian Behavior

To evaluate the impact of non-Newtonian behavior on hemodynamic efficiency in children and young adults who have undergone the Fontan procedure.

RDA Study

This study examines the relationship between social and nonsocial reward responsiveness and depression symptoms in adolescents (14-17 years old) with confirmed or suspected autism. Over time, we hope to understand mental health outcomes in teens (ages 14-17) with confirmed or suspected autism.


Over a 6-month period, adolescents and their parents will participate in clinical interviews, EEG tasks, and surveys about depression, mental health, and friendships, among other topics. Over time, we hope to understand depression and mental health outcomes in autistic adolescents with intellectual disability (14-17 years old) and their parents.

CP bone

To investigate bone health in cerebral palsy and the relationship between walking and bone health.

LifeSkills Mobile

5,000 transgender women are testing a LifeSkills Mobile intervention web-app to see if it helps reduce condomless sex, increase PrEP use, and decrease HIV infections over several years.