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Displaying 41 - 50 of 108

Fontan Non-Newtonian Behavior

To evaluate the impact of non-Newtonian behavior on hemodynamic efficiency in children and young adults who have undergone the Fontan procedure.

Gut microbiome and response to oral typhoid vaccine

We are studying the role of gut microbiome diversity on the mucosal and systemic responses to Ty21a vaccine. This is to determine if a given microbiota composition is associated with specific immune responses and to evaluate the impact of an oral typhoid vaccination on the human gut microbiota.

HBCD (HEALthy Brain and Child Development)

To understand how environmental factors affect a child's early brain development. This includes positive factors like social support and parent-child bonding and challenges like poverty, stress and early life exposures.

Headache After Lumbar Puncture Study

It is common for individuals to develop headaches after a lumbar puncture (LP) procedure. While LPs are frequently performed, little is known about the risk factors for headaches in pediatric populations. This study aims to address this gap in knowledge by evaluating the risks factors on headache incidence, duration, onset, psychological state, and impact on quality of life. This study also aims to examine health inequities.

Healthy Development

Determine how potentially stressful situations, including prematurity, hospitalizations, maternal mental health and rapid repeat births can impact a baby’s development in the first 12 months of their life.