Professional headshot Damian Bradley against blue letterbox background with CHLA butterfly logos
Work That Matters

Research Staff Spotlight: Damian Bradley

A former Navy Corpsman, Damian joined CHLA last year as a Clinical Research Coordinator I. His greatest joy? Seeing kids—and their parents—smile.

Until joining CHLA last year, Damian Bradley had only worked with adult patients in clinical research. Interacting with children, he says, has been a joy.

“It’s super cool to see their happy faces,” he says, a smile lighting up his own face as he talks. “And the parents, too. You feel like you’re making a significant difference in their lives.”

Originally, Damian studied political science, but then served 10 years in the U.S. Navy as a Corpsman (the Navy equivalent of an Army medic). After leaving the Navy, he took a job working in human resources at a medical center and found himself gravitating to clinical research.

He had been working for five years in clinical research at the Los Angeles LGBT Center when three former co-workers urged him to join them at CHLA. In his role here, he supports clinical trials for children with hemophilia.

“It can be scary to make a jump like this, but I’m so glad I did,” Damian says. “I’m learning a lot, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to work with the amazing team here. They have been incredibly supportive.”

After hours, you’ll find him hanging out with his twin daughters, age 5. “They take up 99.99% of my time!” he says, laughing. If he’s not with them, look for him on top of a mountain—anywhere from Mount Rainier to Half Dome to Machu Picchu.

Learn more about research at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.