Headshot of Postdoctoral Fellow Vini John, PhD.
Work That Matters

Research Trainee Spotlight: Vini John, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow Vini John, PhD, is exploring the mechanisms through which intra-epithelial lymphocytes interact with intestinal epithelial cells to help control intestinal inflammation.

As a child, equal passions for athletics and biology led Vini John, PhD, to take a sports-inspired approach to her eventual career in science. “The lessons I learned from playing competitive sports have profoundly influenced my approach to research,” Dr. John explains. “Sports instilled in me a "never quit" attitude and taught me that failures are merely steppingstones to success.”

During her undergraduate experience, Dr. John was drawn to research, captivated by the thrill of discovering new information and solving pieces of biological puzzles. Dr. John later moved to Germany and earned her PhD at the University of Würzburg, studying how lipid-rich areas of Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) interact with mycobacteria. Afterward, she received a research grant to conduct postdoctoral work at Washington University in St. Louis, where she explored communication between immune cells and intestinal epithelial cells that maintain gut homeostasis in healthy individuals and those with ulcerative colitis.

This year, Dr. John began another fellowship at the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine and is working as a postdoctoral fellow in CHLA’s Frey Laboratory, led by Mark Frey, PhD, in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Here, she is studying the interaction between intestinal epithelial cells and lymphocytes, which is crucial for maintaining gut homeostasis and for controlling intestinal inflammation. “This study addresses a critical gap in mucosal immunology by investigating the role of ErbB3 receptors on epithelial cells in regulating intra-epithelial lymphocytes,” Dr. John explains. “This research has the potential to uncover key immune cells and effector mediators with therapeutic targets for managing intestinal inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.”

Looking ahead, Dr. John hopes to become an independent researcher investigating mucosal immunity and intestinal epithelial cells, as well as mentoring future scientists. Her hobbies include traveling, nature photography, hiking, and singing.