A Father’s Gift
For Eszylfie Taylor, it was never a matter of if he would support Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. It was simply a matter of when.
“I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for children,” says the father of three. “They don’t choose to be healthy or unhealthy. They don’t choose their environment. They’re just dealt a hand.”
This reality—that children are some of the most vulnerable members of the community—has motivated Taylor to focus his philanthropic efforts on kids’ causes. He’s donated to and served on the boards of several children’s charities and launched his own nonprofit, Future Stars, which awards scholarships to local kids to attend its youth basketball camp, as well as academic scholarships.
A few years ago, the Pasadena-based financial adviser began giving to CHLA, inspired by the hospital’s work helping families to navigate an incredibly difficult time—their child’s hospitalization.
“I’m always drawn to things where, if I were in that person’s shoes, I would want the same,” he explains.
Still, it never crossed Taylor’s mind that he would one day find himself in need of CHLA’s expertise.
A devastating diagnosis
Taylor’s twins, Shae and Zoe, had been the picture of perfect health. Then, seemingly out of the blue, they both started having seizures. Confusion and fear quickly set in.
“What is going on? Why is this happening?” Taylor remembers thinking at the time.
After undergoing multiple tests and seeing different specialists, his daughters were eventually diagnosed with an epileptic disorder. Though their condition is under control today and the girls, 10, are thriving, the ordeal left an indelible mark on Taylor and reinforced his decision to support Children’s Hospital.
“Before you have kids, I don’t think you truly appreciate how precious it is to be given a child, a healthy one,” says Taylor. “I’m grateful my daughters are OK, but I realize other parents endure a lot more. If I’m able to help other kids and families who are going through something similar, I will do whatever I can.”
Taylor, the founder and President of Taylor Insurance and Financial Services, began thinking about how he could make an even greater impact and immediately gravitated toward planned giving, an area in which he has extensive experience. He renewed his commitment to CHLA through an estate gift that will continue to grow over time and evolve into a much larger donation than one he could provide today.
“Right now, I have a growing family and I can’t necessarily afford to give away a million dollars,” says Taylor, 41, who also has an older daughter, Nya. “By doing this, one day I will.”
‘A light at the end of the tunnel’
With his gift, Taylor aims to make CHLA’s mission of creating hope and building healthier futures a reality for more kids. Specifically, he has allocated his donation to CHLA’s Child Life Program, which specializes in helping patients and families cope with the stress and uncertainty of an illness or hospitalization.
“What I like most about this program is that it puts children’s minds in a different place,” he explains. “Child Life can help kids get into a headspace where they’re positive, informed and empowered and won’t be as fearful about what they’re going through. I think that’s often half the battle for them.”
Taylor is now more passionate than ever about giving back and raising awareness about CHLA, often encouraging clients to support the hospital, a place he says embodies two key elements: hope and encouragement.
“At Children’s Hospital, you will find hope. You’ll find answers. You’ll get support,” he says. “And you will see there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.”