Aerial view of the CHLA Anderson Pavilion Building.
Hospital News

Former Patient's Family Names Building at Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Gateway Building to Get a New Name
Joyce and Stanley Black

What better way for a former patient to benefit her favorite hospital than by naming a building?

When Joyce Black (pictured here with her husband Stanley), was a little girl, she had severe ear infections that simply would not go away. When her ears wouldn’t respond to treatment, she needed surgery—a double mastoidectomy where small pieces of bone in her ears were removed—to save her hearing.

Without our expert surgeons’ intervention, Joyce could have risked permanent hearing loss. And many years later, she hasn’t forgotten the very special care we gave her.

Today, we are announcing a new name for our Gateway Building (home to our lobby, gift shop and admitting area and right next to the garden which also bears their family’s name) to commemorate a generous donation from the Joyce and Stanley Black Family: the Joyce and Stanley Black Family Building.

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We think it’s a great story of a relationship that began with a young girl’s surgery and continues with her family supporting our hospital’s mission of care. We couldn't be more excited about the opportunity to provide more care for more patients with Joyce and Stanley Black’s generous gift.