Ethan had Wilms tumor, the most common type of kidney cancer in children. Most patients are diagnosed between the ages of 1 and 4—and the tumors are often quite large.
What’s the first thing Kairi did after getting her new liver and kidney? Eat chocolate, of course. And then go swimming. And then start on everything else her revived body had been denied for so long.
It was obvious there was a problem as soon as Oliver was born. Oliver’s birth in 2015 was already complicated—he was in a breech position and had to be delivered via a cesarean section. But they
Rachel Lestz, MD, not one to mince words or to conserve them, is abruptly stuck in a pause, halfway between a plausible hypothetical and an oncoming dilemma. “Am I that curious a person?” she asks
How far would you go to save a child’s life? Not your own child, but the child of someone you didn’t even know? Meet baby Jacob—and the man who flew across the country and underwent a four-hour
At only 2 days old, and 5 lbs., 3 oz., Leah Faith commanded the attention of the two dozen medical professionals surrounding her bed in the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation Newborn and Infant