Nina Lightdale-Miric, MD
Nina Lightdale, MD, is a Board-Certified orthopedic surgeon, specializing in upper extremity and hand trauma and sports injuries. Educated at Princeton University and Dartmouth Medical School, Lightdale completed her residency at Duke University Medical Center, fellowship at Cornell Medical College, and continued her observership training at Children’s Hospital Boston and Texas Scottish Rite Hospital.
As a triathlete, marathon runner, and national fencing champion, she understands the needs of active, young athletes who want to return to play and excel in their chosen sports fields.
Congenital hand reconstruction, upper extremity trauma, microsurgery, birth brachial plexus palsy, and cerebral palsy treatment of the upper extremity
Dartmouth Medical School
Duke University Medical Center
Duke University Medical Center
Hospital for Special Surgery, Boston Children's Hospital, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
Hand Surgery Certified
American Association of Orthopaedic Surgery, American Society for Surgery of the Hand, California Hand Society
Ryan DD, Lightdale-Miric NR, Joiner ER, Wren TA, Spragg L, Heffernan MJ, Kay RM, Skaggs DL. Variability of the Anterior Humeral Line in Normal Pediatric Elbows. J Pediatr Orthop. May 16 2015
Lightdale-Miric, N. Mueske NM. Lawrence EL. Loisell L. Berggren J. Dayanidhi S. Stevanovic M. Valero-Cuevas FJ. Wren TAL. Long term functional outcomes after early childhood pollicization. Journal of Hand Therapy 28(2) 158-165 April/June 2015
Lightdale-Miric, NR. Meisel E. Iantorno S. Successful Delayed Reconstruction of Finger Flexor Tendon Laceration after Cesarean Delivery. Journal of Hand Surgery Dec 2014
Ramirez R. Ryan DD. Williams J. Wren T. Ibrahim D. Kay R. Lightdale-Miric N. Skaggs D. A line drawn along the radial shaft misses the capitellum in 16% of radiographs of normal elbows. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics Dec 2014
Lee C, Lightdale-Miric N. Chang E. Kay R. Silent Compartment Syndrome in Children. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics – British Sept 2014
Congenital Hand Reconstruction, Birth Brachial Plexus Palsy, Cerebral Palsy Treatment of the Upper Extremity
FOX11 - 11-year-old singing sensation inspires others with limb differences
KOST 103.5 FM - More than $300K Raised for Children's Hospital Los Angeles on Giving Tuesday
ABC7 - CHLA Orthopaedic Patients With Hand Differences Learn to Rock Climb
ABC7 — Children’s Hospital Los Angeles CATCH Program Celebrates Children With Hand Differences
CBS Newspath- California Teenager Proves She Can do Anything Despite Rare Birth Defect
How Much Do Sports Help Children With Hand and Arm Differences?
Unstoppable Mila Doesn’t Let a Limb Difference Get in the Way
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