Principal Investigator

Ching-Ling (Ellen) Lien, PhD
Investigator, Regenerative Medicine
Professor of Surgery, Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine, and Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Department: Department of Surgery
Division: Cardiothoracic Surgery
Research Focus: Heart development and regeneration and iPSC human disease models
Current Lab Members

Subir Kapuria, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

Stanislao Travisano, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

Xidi Feng, MS
PhD Student

Yuhan Sun, MS
PhD Student

Siqi Tao, MS
PhD Student

Krysta Siu
Master's Student

Hiral Oza
Master's Student
Former Lab Members

Michael Harrison, PhD
Current Position: Assistant Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine

Adrienne Maxwell, PhD
Current Position: ThermoFisher

Laurent Gamba, PhD
Current Position: Postdoctoral fellow, University of Montpellier

Ali Darehzereshki, MD
Current Position: Cardiothoracic Surgery fellow, UCLA

Hyuna Lee, PhD
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Biola University

Nicole Rubin, PhD
Current Position: Global Support Scientist, Miltenyi Biotech

Katie Wiens, PhD
Current position: Association Professor, Bay Path University