Find a Research Study

Displaying 21 - 30 of 107

CeVD Study

An investigation of the utility of non-invasive transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound in the prediction of moyamoya disease in persons with Down syndrome with the goal of identifying cerebrovascular disease before it causes a stroke.

Concussion Study

The overall objective is to assess the influences that repeated head impact accelerative events (both impact and nonimpact) and concussions have on high school athletes as measured by brain structure and function, cognition, and behavior.

COVID Brain Fog Study

Comparing brain MRIs, blood brain barrier integrity and cognitive performance in those with and without Long COVID symptoms and in those that have and have notbeen previously hospitalized with COVID.

CP bone

To investigate bone health in cerebral palsy and the relationship between walking and bone health.


The purpose of the study is to learn about how to improve access to care during young adulthood and to assess if telehealth is an acceptable form of care.

CTLA (Abatacept) Prevention (TN18)

Abatacept is given as an investigational study drug to relatives of someone with type 1 diabetes who have positive diabetes antibodies in an attempt to prevent or delay the onset of type 1 diabetes. See website for more details.

CureGN (Glomerulonephropathy)

A study of glomerular disease patients to better understand the causes of the disease, response to therapy, and disease progression.

Diurnal Study

This study is a randomized, double-blind, active-controlled, titrated, parallel arm, multicenter study. It will compare the efficacy, safety and tolerability of twice daily Chronocort with twice daily IRHC (Cortef®) over a randomized treatment period of up to 52 weeks in participants aged 16 years and over with known classic CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. The primary efficacy assessment of biochemical responder rate and the key secondary assessments of dose responder rate and mean total daily dose will be assessed after 52 weeks of randomized treatment.