Helpful Hamsters

June 21, 2018
A quartet of teenage siblings makes CHLA happier, one song at a time To many, they’re The Runaway Hamsters—a talented band of child musicians who sing country pop and strive to help those in need. To

How Justin Got His Voice Back

May 17, 2018
Twelve-year-old Justin Ybarra likes to joke around, and he likes to have fun. Very rarely does he take life too seriously—even though there have been plenty of things in his life that have been plenty

High-wire Act

April 26, 2018
Katie Hawley was a rising young soccer star when cancer hit at age 9. Now she balances a desire to be a “typical” teenager with the challenges of a life-threatening disease. At 18, Katie Hawley is

Celebrating ‘Super Seth’

March 2, 2018
Superheroes come in many shapes and sizes. In the movies and the comics, they’re most often big and strong, with bulging biceps and superpowers unlike anything we earthlings have ever seen. In real