Celebrating ‘Super Seth’

March 2, 2018
Superheroes come in many shapes and sizes. In the movies and the comics, they’re most often big and strong, with bulging biceps and superpowers unlike anything we earthlings have ever seen. In real

Casey Fisher Can’t Lose

February 15, 2018
Consider this a chicken-and-egg discussion no one ever wanted to have, but knowing which came first, the leukemia or the heart failure, is imperative to understanding the course of Casey Fisher’s

Brave Ben Heads Home

December 28, 2017
For a 4-day-old infant, 3½ hours is a long time. For his mother, it feels like a lifetime—when he is having open-heart surgery to correct a congenital heart defect. Benjamin Clark was born at a

A Team of Their Own

October 27, 2017
Everybody who knows 6-year-old Andrew Escamilla always expected he would play professional baseball someday. His father, a diehard Dodgers fan, took the boy to see the Men in Blue at Dodger Stadium