Eye Movement Program

When a child’s eyes are misaligned or move abnormally, it can take a toll on their vision and their self-confidence. At Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, we understand the impact of eye movement disorders. Our dedicated ophthalmology team uses advanced expertise, personalized treatment and compassionate care to improve your child’s eye movement. Our goal is to help your child live their best life.

Eye Movement Program: Why Choose Us

Our eye movement specialists treat all eye movement disorders. We understand how to diagnose and treat children effectively. At CHLA, your child benefits from:

  • Strabismus expertise: Our full-time orthoptists are specially trained to measure and manage eye misalignment (strabismus) in children. They work together with ophthalmologists to deliver a quick and accurate strabismus diagnosis.
  • Personalized treatment: We offer both nonsurgical eye treatment and eye surgery to provide care that is effective and as minimally invasive as possible.
  • Supportive services: Our ophthalmology team understands how eye movement disorders can affect children physically and mentally. We offer patient and family resources that include mental health support.

What are Eye Movement Disorders?

Eye movement disorders affect your child’s ability to move and focus both eyes together. Some eye movement disorders are characterized by the eyes not working in unison. Others may present at involuntary, jerky eye movements.

When a child’s eyes move abnormally or are not straight, it can affect:

  • Their ability to see
  • How they hold their head
  • Their posture

Your child’s eye movement disorder may be something they were born with or developed due to trauma, poor eyesight or surgery. In some cases, an eye movement disorder can happen for no identifiable reason.

Eye movement disorders we treat

We treat a variety of eye movement disorders, including:

  • Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  • Diplopia (double vision)
  • Lacrimal duct obstruction (blocked tear duct)
  • Nystagmus (repetitive, involuntary eye movement)
  • Strabismus (misaligned or crossed eyes)

Experts in Strabismus Treatment

An accurate diagnosis is critical when treating strabismus (misaligned or crossed eyes). At CHLA, your child’s ophthalmologist will work hand in hand with an orthoptist, who is specially trained to measure and manage patients with strabismus. With an accurate measurement and diagnosis, we can personalize treatment. Our aim is to avoid the loss of vision, double vision and abnormal head postures that can develop from strabismus.

We treat strabismus and other eye movement disorders with nonsurgical treatments, surgery or a combination of the two. If we think strabismus may be associated with low vision or eye strength, we may recommend eyeglasses, a patch or eye exercises. Your child’s eyes may straighten on their own once their vision is corrected. If your child’s condition is more severe, our surgeons may fix strabismus on a muscular level. They surgically adjust the eye muscles to improve eye control.

Compassionate Care for Children With Eye Movement Disorders

At Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, we understand how an eye movement disorder can affect your child. We are researching the impact of strabismus and other eye movement disorders on psychosocial health and quality of life.

Our ophthalmologists take time to connect with their patients at every age and developmental level. We’ll connect your child and your family to mental health resources whenever appropriate to lessen the impact of your child’s eye movement disorder on their health and happiness.

Pediatric Eye Care You Can Count On

Everyone at CHLA specializes in treating children and works hard to make your child and your family feel comfortable. Meet our ophthalmology team.

Contact us

To schedule an appointment at the Vision Center, call 323-361-2347.