CHLA Announces New Fetal and Neonatal Institute Faculty
Three physicians have recently been appointed to faculty positions within the Fetal and Neonatal Institute at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
The physicians are part of the world-class care team in the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation Newborn and Infant Critical Care Unit (NICCU) at CHLA.
This Level IV unit provides advanced and comprehensive care for the full range of neonatal conditions, including the most complex and rare ones.
The unit’s newest faculty are:
Sarah Carpenter, MD

Dr. Carpenter is a Neonatal Hospitalist in the Cohen Foundation NICCU and completed her pediatric residency at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
Her interests include fluid and electrolyte management in premature infants, streamlining admissions for critically ill babies transferring from other hospitals, and enhancing family education.
Monty Natour, MD

Dr. Natour joined Children's Hospital Los Angeles in September as an Attending Neonatologist.
He completed his combined internal medicine and pediatrics residency at Duke University Hospital and his neonatal-perinatal medicine fellowship at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Dr. Natour’s research interests include family-centered care and communication, as well as point-of-care ultrasound.
Joshua Weiss, MD

Dr. Weiss is a Neonatal Hospitalist in the Cohen Foundation NICCU and completed his pediatric residency at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
His clinical interests include respiratory physiology and ventilator management, as well as improving delirium prevention and management.